History of Theology (Historical Theology)

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Puritan Board Freshman
What would you recommend on History of Theology? Berkhof "History of Christian Doctrines"? Cunningham "Historical Theology"? Shedd "History of Christian Doctrine)?

Cunningham, in my opinion, of the ones listed.

If you want to bring it up to date a bit:
History of Christian Thought, Jonathan Hill
A History of Christian Thought (3 vols), Justo Gonzalez
Historical Theology: An Introduction, Alister McGrath

Gonzalez is to be read with an appreciation for his bias.
Cunningham's 2 volume work would be my recommendation, although I also like JND Kelly's "Early Christian Doctrines". Berkhof as a relatively shorter work gives the general overview. You could read Berkhof and fill in the gaps with Cunningham.
Jaroslav Pelikan, The Christian Tradition (in 5 vol.s), goes from the ancient to the modern church. About $15 per volume.
History of Christian Thought, Jonathan Hill

Gonzalez is to be read with an appreciation for his bias.
So should Hill. Hill spends about as much time describing a theologian's teaching as he does blurting out his own superficial critiques.
The Story of Christian Theology by Roger E. Olson might be a consideration. I don't know how it stands up to the others because I've only read Justo, which is simply different.

If part of this is an effort to understand the development of thought I'd also recommend Sproul's The Consequences of Ideas.

Not sure why the tiny urls don't work, but just go to GoogleBooks and use the advanced search engine. You'll find them.
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