Is this a technical question only, or is there some deeper heartfelt question about how and when we can expect or hope for the Holy Spirit to work Grace in our lives? Or in your life particularly?
I believe that there are no guarantees even under the means of Grace for a true believer that the Spirit will always work in a prescribed way. I have found that the means of Grace are usually beneficial to me even in the sense of their effect. Other times they are without any sense experience yet prove later to have been beneficial. But none of this is 100% guaranteed. I have had times when I have spent a long time reading the Bible and in the end, feeling nothing. Yet at other times I've been driving down the road and had a passing thought like "Jesus IS God" and all of a sudden I am carried to a spiritual state of ecstasy where I am enabled to praise and glorifying God that passes all understanding and causes me to cry out Abba Father.
As it is said of Aslan in The Chronicles of Narnia, God is not a tame lion.
I like to think of the work of the Spirit in a soul like the wind in John 3:8 which blows where it wishes and you hear the sound of it, but do not know where it comes from and where it is going;"
Just a few thoughts that may or may not have anything to do with your question. But if you would be so kind as to amplify your question just a bit I might better understand exactly what you were asking as it relates to you personally.
Have a great Lord's His day.