how does one experience the power of the Holy Spirit?

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Puritan Board Freshman
How do we experience the power of the Holy Spirit, God's presence, the reality of who He is?

Do you ever wonder that because of so much false stuff out there today that we overreact like a pendulum and err on the side of fearing real experience of the risen Christ?

(I am not talking about new revelation here, just the Spirit of God impressing the revealed realities of who God is on our hearts)

Also, if anyone has any personal testimonies of recent experiences of God I would be blessed if you would share.

God bless,
Ordinarily, the Holy Spirit speaks through Scripture.

The "power" is in building our faith, our discernment, based on the Word of God. This makes our fellowship with God through the Spirit and Word more intimate, stronger, and all the more real in our lives.
By living the principle of dying to sin and living to God more and more and by this you know you are being sanctified. Although I'm an INTJ there is a feeling side to this I think in that I think your conscience is being renewed as you grow in piety and godliness.
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