Puritan Board Freshman
Hello everyone! I’m new to posting, so hopefully this is the appropriate forum! Yesterday, I made a post regarding Romans 14:23, but I realized there was a much better way to frame my question. How should believers approach “grey areas” throughout their Christian walk? I’ve noticed in my spiritual journey there are countless things—such as going a few miles over the speed limit, watching certain movies, the use of contraceptives in marriage, etc—that don’t have a clear answer. Normally when faced with making a difficult decision, I will try to reach the most Biblical conclusion I can, but I often deal with a nagging anxiety that I have made the wrong choice. When I read verses such as Romans 14:23 that states “whoever has doubts is condemned,” I struggle to know if I should re-think countless ethical choices due to possible doubts and fear of making the wrong decision, or if I am simply misunderstanding how to deal with “grey areas” in the Christian life. I appreciate any thoughts!