I need 21 CHEAP umbrellas real soon.

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I'm doing an illusion for our church talent show coming up soon. I've been stalking the dollars stores looking for cheap umbrellas. I don't want the mini umbrellas but the regular 32 inch (or so) stick umbrellas.


If any of you see these in your wanderings could you drop me a line please. I'm waiting on a shipment that is literally traveling on a slow boat from China but the wait may be too long.

Thanks for any help.
Bob? You are among friends, be honest, have you broken your other umbrellas doing your "Singing in the Rain" routine? :cool::cool::):p
Thank you Max, I knew I could count on you for your valuable support. Speaking of hecklers, have you been meeting with Sanballat, Tobiah and Geshem again.

Hugs and kisses, GO FIND SOME UMBRELLAS!
Thank you Max, I knew I could count on you for your valuable support. Speaking of hecklers, have you been meeting with Sanballat, Tobiah and Geshem again.

Hugs and kisses, GO FIND SOME UMBRELLAS!
:lol:, Why? It is SO much easier to heckle!:cool:
I wouldn't trade you for the world but with friends like you guys, who needs hemorrhoids. Thank you for nothing, again.:duh:
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