I Repent

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Puritan Board Senior
Hello all. I hope you're having a blessed Lord's Day. I just wanted to openly repent of something that came to mind. A while back, I was struggling with some teachings in the Bible, and I remember bringing a few of those things to the Puritan Board to find some clarity, where I believe I did so with a doubtful mind.

Thankfully our good and gracious God continued to lead me in the truth and authority of His Word, and those things are no longer issues I deal with.

If I ever caused anyone to doubt something in the Bible for even one moment, I am so sorry. Please forgive me. God's Word is completely infallible, perfect, our guide in every way, and to be fully embraced and submitted to, even when we have a hard time as sinful humans making sense of things. When approaching the Bible, the problem is never God or His character, it is always my sinful self that gets in the way. His Word is always trustworthy and true, no matter what.

I hope you all rest so secure in the authority of the Bible, as it is in every way the true and glorious Word of God Himself. It is the greatest treasure we have in this world, and all of it is worth believing and embracing whole-heartedly.

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