in 20 minutes

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Ha, thanks. My co-workers started calling me Superman because our first year at the new job was AMAZING. We had zero problems at all and that's 100% against the norm here. Instead of blushing about it I ran with it (because that's just me). They gave us a certificate at the end of the year and named us "Lois and Clark" on it, so I made this picture.:bigsmile:
Thanks Randy!

Hope I didn't insult you Gerry!

And to think, neither of us have ever read this!

Originally posted by houseparent
Thanks Randy!

Hope I didn't insult you Gerry!

And to think, neither of us have ever read this!


Oh, no, I don't mind if you feel old. I'm 53 and and don't look a day over 52.

And you're right, I never have and never plan to read this book.
Congratulations, Adam and Andrea! ... :sing: Happy Anniversary to you ...

Hey we've got the big one coming up in December - 25!

Cheers -- Jay and Beth

PS: We lived in Dover, PA up until about a year ago. Sorry we missed you. We were up in your area a few times for square dancing some time back.
Okay, Jay and Beth are going to have to come up and meet with us PAers (heavens, those of us in PA need to meet! Coffee, Adam and Andrea???).

Btw, that was an adorable picture. We need to start a "then and now" picture thread in the photo album...hmmm...
Originally posted by LadyFlynt
Okay, Jay and Beth are going to have to come up and meet with us PAers (heavens, those of us in PA need to meet! Coffee, Adam and Andrea???).


Sounds like fun! Keep it in mind. Y'all are surely welcome in NC, too.

Jay and Beth
Hey, I had a Billy Ray Cyrus mullet way before Bily Ray hit the scene! I'll post pics of it as soon as I take the time to scan them.
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