Interesting article on Tim Keller..

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This is the best and most accurate depiction of Redeemer I've read. It's interesting that this article on Tim Keller and Redeemer appears in the same issue as articles noting the decline of Barack Obama and the growing unpopularity of abortion. All from an unabashedly liberal magazine...
"Keller is conscious of the fact that while he is reproving us for our workaholism, he himself is putting in hours that could stand comparison to those of the most driven hedge-funder."

I often wonder how much time mega-church "pastors" like Keller actually spend with the folks they are trying to minister to, the folks in their congregation.
I often wonder how much time mega-church "pastors" like Keller actually spend with the folks they are trying to minister to, the folks in their congregation.

The same can be asked of small church pastors as well. How much time does a bivocational pastor actually spend with the folks they are trying to minister to.

And I remember someone posting a few months ago about a solo pastor who spent 30 hours a week preparing a sermon. How much time does he have to spend?

Mega churches may have more pastoral care hours available per member than do much smaller congregations. And it can well be that the associates and assistants may have stronger gifts in these areas than does either the senior pastor at the large church or the solo guy at the small one.
I often wonder how much time mega-church "pastors" like Keller actually spend with the folks they are trying to minister to, the folks in their congregation.

The same can be asked of small church pastors as well. How much time does a bivocational pastor actually spend with the folks they are trying to minister to.

And I remember someone posting a few months ago about a solo pastor who spent 30 hours a week preparing a sermon. How much time does he have to spend?

Mega churches may have more pastoral care hours available per member than do much smaller congregations. And it can well be that the associates and assistants may have stronger gifts in these areas than does either the senior pastor at the large church or the solo guy at the small one.

I thought that is why presbyterians have a "teaching" elder, so he can spend time studying. The majority of the shepherding should be in the hands of the other elders In my humble opinion. No pastor can possibly shepherd everyone in the congregation, not even my little church.
I thought that is why presbyterians have a "teaching" elder, so he can spend time studying. The majority of the shepherding should be in the hands of the other elders In my humble opinion. No pastor can possibly shepherd everyone in the congregation, not even my little church.

I believe that is why as well. The teaching elder should be given ample time to study pray and teach.

The ruling elders should primarily care for the flock. The teaching elder cares for the concerns of the flock as well, but he is in a different bracket and needs time. Major questions I think should be addressed to him, mundane and general issues should be addressed to the ruling elders.
I often wonder how much time mega-church "pastors" like Keller actually spend with the folks they are trying to minister to, the folks in their congregation.

Keller has said he makes a point of still doing a good amount of pastoral counseling, because without this he gets out of touch and can't preach as effectively. In his seminary lectures, he has advised aspiring preachers to do the same. Whether he's been able to keep it up now that he's doing the book thing, I don't know. But he limits his conference engagements, unlike many other big-church pastors.
I thought that is why presbyterians have a "teaching" elder, so he can spend time studying. The majority of the shepherding should be in the hands of the other elders In my humble opinion. No pastor can possibly shepherd everyone in the congregation, not even my little church.

That's not how I read the BCO.

"8-5. When a man is called to labor as a teaching elder, it belongs to his order, in addition to those functions he shares with all other elders, to feed the flock by reading, expounding and preaching the Word of God and to
administer the Sacraments...."

Speaking of ALL Elders, both teaching and ruling

"8-3. It belongs to those in the office of elder, both severally and jointly, to watch diligently over the flock committed to his charge, that no corruption of doctrine or of morals enter therein. They must exercise government and discipline, and take oversight not only of the spiritual interests of the particular church, but also the Church generally when called thereunto. They should visit the people at their homes, especially the sick. They should instruct the ignorant, comfort the mourner, nourish and guard the children of the Church...."

So a teaching elder must do more than study and preach. They must also pastor, along with other teaching elders (if any) and the ruling elders. No free passes.
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