Interpreting the Bible.

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Puritan Board Freshman
Please give me some advice on Hermeneutics.
What studies I can do, and what to avoid.


Start with "How to read the Bible", Fee/Stuart. Will give you a good paradigm to build from.
Louis Berkhof, Principles of Biblical Interpretation gives a good overview of the most basic points.
Biblical Hermeneutics by Milton Terry. But its been a long, long time since I read it.
I second Ruben's recommendation of Berkhof's little concise book (it's only 166 pages).

For further reading on hermeneutics, I'd highly recommend Foundations of Contemporary Interpretation edited by Moises Silva. This book doesn't really lay the foundations of hermeneutics as a science (or art, as the case may be), but builds on them; whereas Berkhof provides the basic rules which are essential to contextual exegesis.
Louis Berkhof, Principles of Biblical Interpretation gives a good overview of the most basic points.

Isn't there a in-depth study of Hermeneutics like they do in Seminary?(Or close to it)

Sure - Samuel already mentioned it: Foundations of Contemporary Interpretation. But it doesn't start at the very beginning, the name notwithstanding. There are many other books, including special treatments of particular points. But I have often felt that looking at how a great interpreter (like Thomas Goodwin) gets from his text to his conclusion is actually more illuminating than the theoretical manuals.
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