Is anyone familiar with David Wells?

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Jash Comstock

Puritan Board Freshman
I have had him recommended to me several times now by fellow reformed folk. I have no idea who he is. All I know is he is a professor at Gordon-Conwell. Do you recommend him? Where does he come from (on the theological spectrum)?
Yes. His books do a great job dealing with the evangelical watering down of the faith. He is solid. I don't always agree with some of his methods and conclusions (respectively, the first and last books in the series), but he is worth reading (if somewhat difficult. He is really heavy on sociology).
David Wells has written much on the problems of modern evangelicalism. He recently wrote a book called God in the Whirlwind, you can read my review of that and follow a link at the bottom of my review to an interview Justin Taylor did with him recently.
I find him a penetrating and exhilarating analyst of the reasons for the
declining condition of the church in these sad days. His expressions are
abundantly quotable.
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