Is Cessationism an Achilles Heel for Reformed Theology?

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Say you have no Scriptural basis without telling me you have no Scriptural basis.
As long as there are believers would it be correct to assume that “these signs shall follow those that believe”? Here in lies the issues, I am trying to get a Scriptural answer, not the experience Sean Cornell. What does the Bible say? If either issue is correct, I want to line up with the Bible, not a theological topic that I infer. One can say they can observe earth is billions of years old, but the genealogy and language of Genesis disagrees. Despite our observations which are grounded in “the wisdom of men”. Instead of Scriptural answers, I’m hearing confident answer, hinging on arrogance. What does the Bible say?
I'm not going to go 'round and 'round with you on this. I'm right, you're wrong, and you're just being combative.
No, I’m afraid not. I actually want to know what the Word of God says, and if we find out that in our innate sinfulness, that our camp may be wrong on something , then we should be men and ask the questions, find out, and correct it. Shutting down the conversations because we have no solid Scripture to go one way or another doesn’t solve anything.
I'm a Critical Text guy, not a Textus Receptus guy, so you're not going to sway me with the Longer Ending of Mark.
If your heart is set on you being right and relies on your experiences, then that’s your problem, but don’t say the Bible is your standard. Again, I have questions due to weak arguments, and instead of actual answers, I’m seeing what people often accuse us Calvinist of, arrogance. “Im right, my experience”

You should read the book, “Humble Calvinism”
No. The answer to Paul's rhetorical questions is "no, not everyone possesses these offices."
Not everyone, no one is claiming every believer has every spiritual gift. That was not at all the question. If anything that works against the argument because it assumes that some do. I would love for someone to actually give a scriptural basis for what I believe, but I’m seeing antidotal information.
Point of order: These are actual answers. You just don't like the answers you're given. And THAT is YOUR problem.
Believe me, I have never defended the charismatic movement, nor do I desire one way or the other. I would actually like us to be correct, but what I’m seeing is that it so not because Scripture declares it but because Sean Cornell’s experience say it, and if we don’t show you a physical miracle, you’re not going to believe it. Like I said, I have questions, not statements, but if your going to answer at least do so biblically. I don’t need to see something to believe it, I need the Word to say it.
Not everyone, no one is claiming every believer has every spiritual gift. That was not at all the question. If anything that works against the argument because it assumes that some do. I would love for someone to actually give a scriptural basis for what I believe, but I’m seeing antidotal information.
Do you believe the office of Apostle has ceased?
Moderating. This thread is not going well and needs a change to continue. Everyone check the rules of decorum and have a deep breath. Moderators will discuss and maybe reopen tomorrow.
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