Is Jesus a Sith?

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Puritan Board Junior

Is Jesus a Sith? - by Eric Rauch
C'mon, it's American Vision! You know it can't possibly be what the title makes you think it is!! :D

I enjoyed the article!
Article is stupid, even given the context of the film. The author missed several clear facts hat cause him a problem:

turning point for Anakin comes when a member of the Jedi council, Mace Windu, is ready to kill Palpatine because he is "œtoo dangerous" to leave alive. Anakin tells Windu that this is not the Jedi way (which it´s not), but situational ethics are the name of the game for Windu. Anakin sees the hypocrisy in this and his view of the Jedi instantly changes, and he does nothing as Palpatine (now the Emperor) proceeds to kill Windu. Anakin becomes Palpatine´s disciple"”and consequently, Darth Vader"”on the spot.

1. Anakin does not "do nothing," he cuts off Windu's arm, making him helpless before Palpatine, who does not even bother to discuss his merciless action of killing Windu with Anakin.

2. Windu acts in the context of Palpatine having already killed several Jedi, in an unprovoked attack.

If someone wants to be cute, he could at least attempt to be accurate.
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