Is Regeneration the same as the Spirit dwelling in us?

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Puritan Board Freshman
Does the Spirit enter the person at regeneration or at faith? Is the act of the Spirit entering the believer cause regeneration? Or does the spirit enter the believer after he has faith and is regenerated.

I'm sure this is very basic, but I grew up Arminian and it was always taught to me that regeneration and the spirit indwelling the believer is one in the same.

The operations of the Spirit are mysterious in terms of how the Spirit precisely works, but it's more accurate to say that it is the Spirit that makes a person alive and, by His work, enables the hand of faith to cling to Christ. Christ has purchased faith for His own and it is the work of the Spirit to grant the gift of faith to the believer and, by that faith, unite the believer to Christ and grant all the evangelical graces this entails (justification, adoption, and sanctification). The person is brought from a state of being in the flesh (enslaved to sin) to being in the Spirit (a child of God now able by Christ's power by the Spirit to love and obey).
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