Is the Westminster Confession’s Doctrine of the Sabbath a Judaizing Doctrine?

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Staff member
This article summarizes a piece in the 2016 'sabbath' issue of The Confessional Presbyterian journal. That, our 12th issue and I think most important issue for a number of reasons, remains on sale as do all back issues in print at $20 each postage paid (there is also a set offer). The 13th issue comes off the press next week, D.V. See the links (this article was also picked up by the Aquila Report last year).

In a day when it seems Presbyterians are drifting further and further away from the doctrines of the Westminster Confession of Faith and Catechisms, The Confessional Presbyterian journal was founded in 2005 to provide a forum for ecumenical discussion amongst conservative Presbyterians of different denominations, wishing to defend closer adherence to these old standards of biblical Christianity. The CPJ is an annual 2 column large format publication containing a range of theological, practical and historical material, which over the last twelve issues has amounted to 3,352 pages or 3,217,348 words (see table of contents here). The 2016 twelfth issue was the first fully thematic issue (contents listed below), and the topic is a doctrine in much decay in our day, The Lord’s Day or Christian Sabbath. One of the important pieces run in v12 is Geoff Willour’s “Is the Westminster Confession’s Doctrine of the Sabbath a Judaizing Doctrine? A Critique of the First Minority Report of the OPC’s Committee on Sabbath Matters. Below is a summary.

Mr. Willour introduces his subject, noting the decay of observance of the Christian Sabbath in our day and that most of the professing church seems to view the commandment as merely ceremonial (pp. 195–196). After giving the historical background that gave rise to the Majority and Minority Reports on the Sabbath in the Orthodox Presbyterian Church (OPC) in 1973, pastor Willour summarizes the contents of the second minority report: (see rest at one of the links above).​
I hope and pray one day this will become the majority view. Of course I sadly believe this will come after I leave this mortal coil.
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