Puritan Board Freshman
What's the official PB opinion on this topic (theistic evolution)? I see a lot of very well-respected pastors and theologians (Tim Keller, N. T Wright, Alister McGrath, Bruce Waltke, Francis Collins) are theistic evolutionists. Where does one draw the line between error and heresy on this? My personal view is that as long as one believes in an historical Adam and Eve, and accepts the Genesis account of the fall, they're fine. However, when people like Peter Enns deny the existence of Adam & Eve, then I think that's teetering on heresy. I don't necessarily want to debate YEC/OEC/ID/TE, I'm just asking where you'd draw the line? When does someone become a heretic? Is Bruce Waltke, (who believes in an historical Adam and accepts the Genesis account of the fall), a heretic because he believes in evolution? The issue of creation is something I'm still studying.