Islam population video!!!!

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I am curious about something. If most Muslims who are emigrating to other countries are 'moderate' why is it that majority of mosques in Western countries are Wahabi? That is one of the most radical elements of Islam. I know the financial reason. The Saudis are building them. But, why would 'moderate' Muslims attend a mosque where they disagree? Why would they not supply their own Imam?
I am curious about something. If most Muslims who are emigrating to other countries are 'moderate' why is it that majority of mosques in Western countries are Wahabi? That is one of the most radical elements of Islam. I know the financial reason. The Saudis are building them. But, why would 'moderate' Muslims attend a mosque where they disagree? Why would they not supply their own Imam?

Because they are "plants" or sleeper-cells awaiting 'the call'? :think:
You know something? One man's torture is another man's glory. Why are we so afraid of the Muslims? They aren't anymore depraved and vicious than the Chinese government or North Korea's government and our brothers and sisters suffer violently under their hand. American atheists might look like us, but they will skin us just as well as a Muslim will. What's scary to everyone is that they aren't Americans or Canadians etc. We act like we own this country or Canadians own theirs etc. They are just a group of people who are looking to evangelize or kill us just like any other group of people will eventually want to do to us. Have more babies but not for this reason! God has His chosen and He has chosen their path. I'm not going to get hysterical about every nation turning into Muslims. For one thing, I don't think it could happen. I don't see it biblically. But if it does then that's God's will. We can't hold onto America so becomes our god then. Let it go and see what God has in store for us. It's hard I know. I love freedom and wish it would stay America but I don't always get what I want. Things change all the time and they change for God's glory not because of what we want or don't want. There's a bigger reason for all of this and we don't get to vote.
I still find it strange how "Christians" can have a crusade over 500 years ago, and their still demonized for it, while Muslims can rape, torture, kill, and abuse women, and they are the fastest growing religion in the world...

Exactly. I take every opportunity to point out that the Crusades were a response to Muslim conquest. In other words, the Muslims started it.

-----Added 4/28/2009 at 01:06:42 EST-----

Another thing: I've read a few comments about this type of video "sensationalizing" stuff as if that's a problem. No, the problem is that we're a culture in denial and this stuff isn't being reported at all and anyone who says ANYTHING is labeled a bigot or a racist... and the crazy thing is they're called this by the people who are bending over backwards to make concessions to these "peaceful invaders" naively thinking that the favor will be returned once the newcomers are the majority.

It's like the national debt. Many people - indeed, probably MOST people - don't give a rip about it because it seems like "play money." It isn't real to them. Well, these same people don't understand that our culture, our way of life, isn't in the ground, or our drinking water or the air we breathe... it is in our people. And when our people stop reproducing, and people with other values out reproduce us by leaps and bounds.... change is inevitable. But that's "silly talk" to these simple minded people who only care about being able to chat on their cell phone while they sip their latte.
Another thing: I've read a few comments about this type of video "sensationalizing" stuff as if that's a problem. No, the problem is that we're a culture in denial and this stuff isn't being reported at all and anyone who says ANYTHING is labeled a bigot or a racist... and the crazy thing is they're called this by the people who are bending over backwards to make concessions to these "peaceful invaders" naively thinking that the favor will be returned once the newcomers are the majority.

Sensationalizing this stuff is a problem if it is giving misleading information. Why lie or mislead when you can make the case just as good using the truth?

And I think one of the reasons it isn't being reported is because it just oozes of right wing nut job fundy sensationalism. Take away the misleading information, lies, and just present the truth and then maybe someone high up might take this data seriously because it is very serious. This issue is too important to be treated and promoted so poorly. :2cents:
I believe the muslim invasion is a judgment on our society in the West because we (as a community) have been going away from Christian standards. In America we have the blood of millions of unborn babies on our hands. We outlaw the Bible and prayer in public schools. Many states in the U.S. are making same sex marriage legal. In Canada and maybe coming soon here in the U.S. it will be illegal to preach against homosexual activity as sin. This is not a scare tactic, but it is reality. We need an awaken from God. Are we praying for it? Are we doing all that we can to be salt and light in our nations? Or are we just staying to ourselves and hoping for the best? Are we fiddling while Rome burns:violin:
In Canada and maybe coming soon here in the U.S. it will be illegal to preach against homosexual activity as sin.

We heard a lovely sermon on Romans 1 this past Sunday. I think our pastor would stroll out with the police if they came to get him for it.
One thing that definitely comes to mind is that Islam is not a religion that we can consider "over there." I still do, probably because I don't meet many Muslims yet. I have put almost no time into understanding Mormonism or Hinduism because I meet so few people who identify themselves as such, and most of those don't really seem to embrace said religion any more than anyone else (case in point of other religions becoming neutralized by western secularism). I do put much time into understanding Roman Catholicism--I work at a Catholic school and a good portion of my own family is Catholic. I put time into learning the claims of atheists and skeptics because I'm practically tripping over people who still think The DaVinci Code was based on history and think that Bart Ehrman's books contain new and credible theories about the Bible.

Given the birth rates, though, my 1-year old son may well encounter many more Muslims than atheists, and I will need to be sure I can teach him ahead of time what he'll need to know.

Can anyone tell me where I can get another 8 hours in each day? :) Giving up sleep doesn't work quite like it did when I was 20!

One point of contention with the video--the implicit assumption, or at least the impression that comes with the ominous music, is that every single Muslim kid born in America will be a radical jihadist, so act now or we'll all be eaten alive. It plays on the Muslim = Radical theme, just as much as atheists like to play on the Christian = Radical theme.

I'm gonna go make some more babies now.
I have a few points to make

1) Sure people may be coming over in droves from islamic countries, though is it any real difference than waking up and being surrounded by white atheists each day?

Ok, they may have a religion. I would say so do white atheists or agnostics. Nevertheless we must evangelize and trust God instead of getting paranoid.

2) It's not like were gonna see Islamic style government come into place even if they do keep coming over.

3) This video doesn't take into account the drastic changes in government policy that could happen over that amount of time concerning immigration or changes even in the world or these peoples countries. Those figures are just based on a straight line without taking any hindrances to the current level of immigration coming into play which will of course happen. There will most likely be a time where the UK and other countries put on the brakes for a while and it will more or less normalize.

4) Do you honestly think that the majority of those families coming from islamic countries have a motive to kill democracy and become the majority in our country?

No sir, they're running from disasters we've created over the last few years going to war with Iraq, Afghanistan and also the disgusting regime in Israel that we support.

If not from Palestine, Iraq and Afghanistan then they're probably trying to find a better life for themselves because they're countries are often run by dictators e.g. Iran who have revolutionary guards that uphold religious obedience and if your a woman that gets seen with a man or even raped by a man your guilty and thrown in jail.

A lot of these videos are made by very racist people like the BNP in this country and such trying to support there radical views and stir support.
I think you will learn differently to many of your points, and when you do it will be to late like it is for us now
There is no match for the Gospel.

"I think you will learn differently to many of your points, and when you do it will be to late like it is for us now " - Re4mdant

Do you think Jesus is going to let Islam take the entire world before he comes back?
No sir, nothings going to be too late.
Islam isn't going to destroy Christianity and to be honest I ain't too bothered about the white race so as far as I am concerned there is no danger.

By the way you keep saying "too late like it is for us now" what's wrong with your country exactly?

The UK has some of the largest immigration of Muslims and to be honest the only thing I see wrong is Political Correctness being invented. A lot of the Muslim people or foreign people are lovely and just as much likely to be converted as a white atheist.
Thanks for sharing this very encouraging Joe

-----Added 5/15/2009 at 06:24:53 EST-----

"I think you will learn differently to many of your points, and when you do it will be to late like it is for us now " - Re4mdant

Do you think Jesus is going to let Islam take the entire world before he comes back?
No sir, nothings going to be too late.
Islam isn't going to destroy Christianity and to be honest I ain't too bothered about the white race so as far as I am concerned there is no danger.

By the way you keep saying "too late like it is for us now" what's wrong with your country exactly?

The UK has some of the largest immigration of Muslims and to be honest the only thing I see wrong is Political Correctness being invented. A lot of the Muslim people or foreign people are lovely and just as much likely to be converted as a white atheist.

I do not know what Jesus will do or allow and neither do you, there can be intentions in any situation that neither of us understand.
As to the statement that islam will not destroy christianity, I can only agree, Jesus told us as much, but he also promised us hardship and persecution maybe letting "most" of the world become muslim is going drive the last of his elect to him, who knows.
As to what is wrong with my country, well they closed down P and G so lets not go there.
Of course the muslims will do as the romans do while Rome is still Roman, when it is muslim, their own "holy" book tells them otherwise.

And to all of this, "most of the people doing these videos are racist" I can only ask, who reweals a prejudice with such a statement.
I guess most prophets were considered to be depressing and maybe even evil ahead of time.
I am not saying that they are prophets, but they might prove to be.

You have some points, but my fear is you forget we are fighting more than radical humans, we are fighting evil powers and this might get worse before we can go home, one way or the other.
"Of course the muslims will do as the romans do while Rome is still Roman, when it is muslim, their own "holy" book tells them otherwise."

I don't really understand are you saying when muslims are in the UK/Euro they will still follow their religion? of course they will. Though you must realise that this violent or radical form of Islam is not the norm.

It's a very small minority of Muslims in the UK at least who are extremists and who would undermine democracy or exercise violence. So to say that the majority are going to take up this role of trying to get rid of us by flooding our countries with people deliberately eventually making us Muslim states is crazy.

As I said, it's mostly innocent families fleeing from our mess in the middle east or harsh tyrannical regimes. Simply cause and effect.

To be honest I don't were fighting anyone. I think that Muslims are the most people abused by the press in the world since 9/11. Constant news stories that over exaggerate things and try and paint the picture of the white working class at war with these new invaders at least in the UK. There was a whole exposure of some of these news stores that pretty much played with facts or over exaggerated circumstances till it would have shocked/offended white working class readers.

I think that we have an opportunity to debate with them and evangelize them but we are not at some war to preserve Christianity in the face of growing immigration at all.
"Of course the muslims will do as the romans do while Rome is still Roman, when it is muslim, their own "holy" book tells them otherwise."

I don't really understand are you saying when muslims are in the UK/Euro they will still follow their religion? of course they will. Though you must realise that this violent or radical form of Islam is not the norm.

It's a very small minority of Muslims in the UK at least who are extremists and who would undermine democracy or exercise violence. So to say that the majority are going to take up this role of trying to get rid of us by flooding our countries with people deliberately eventually making us Muslim states is crazy.

As I said, it's mostly innocent families fleeing from our mess in the middle east or harsh tyrannical regimes. Simply cause and effect.

To be honest I don't were fighting anyone. I think that Muslims are the most people abused by the press in the world since 9/11. Constant news stories that over exaggerate things and try and paint the picture of the white working class at war with these new invaders at least in the UK. There was a whole exposure of some of these news stores that pretty much played with facts or over exaggerated circumstances till it would have shocked/offended white working class readers.

I think that we have an opportunity to debate with them and evangelize them but we are not at some war to preserve Christianity in the face of growing immigration at all.

Well we can not debate much more, we are both set in our opinion, all I can say is I hope you are right and that us becomming muslim states is crazy, I really, really hope so.
I also agree we are not to save or preserve christianity, Christ will do that himself.
We are always battling both the satan and his allie our flesh, and Jesus having warned us of false Prohets Islam seems like a religion invented by satan and even if not it surely helps his course.
And to your last bit about the majority being innocent I think you are right, the majority is proberbly innocent of being terrorist-jihadists.
But I do not see the need to bring up this point.

To me it sounds like you are on quite the political trail of spreading the non racist issue yourself.
I do not have a problem with muslims because the are black, middleeastern, arabs or whatever, I have a problem with them because they deny Christ and teach people in my country and their own to do the same and of this non of them are innocent and that is a crime that will be severaly judged some day.
True, a lot of muslim kids in the West are non-practicing, but when many of them find religion at some point in their lives, they will turn to Fundamentalist Wahabi Islam. The problem is Saudi Money which is driving the Fundamentalist Wahabi theology into the West. Most mosques opened in the West have an influx of Saudi Funds, so they are beholden to spread Saudi Islamic Fundamentalism and they hire Saudi Approved Imams to preach. In the Greater Toronto Area alone I have seen quite a few large mosques open up recently. The shame of it, is that good Reformed Churches in the same area are closing for lack of people or meeting in community centres and schools for lack of Building Funds. One Reformed Baptist Church I know has only 6 members!!
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