Reformed Covenanter
Cancelled Commissioner
... It is not enough to allege in reply, that Christianity may claim, and rightfully claim, the same measure of protection as every other form of faith or unbelief; and that, in the toleration granted equally to truth and to falsehood by the civil magistrate, — who, upon the Voluntary theory, is equally indifferent to both, — the Gospel is secure. It may be fairly questioned whether this measure of protection or toleration would cover and include all that Christianity, as the one truth of God, has a right to demand, even were it fully and equally carried out.
At least this much is certain, that our Lord never claimed toleration for His kingdom and truth upon the footing that it had an equal right, and no more than equal, with falsehood, to be owned and protected by Caesar. Nay, our Lord never claimed toleration for His Gospel upon any other ground than that it was the truth, and not falsehood, and had a right, which falsehood had not, to be not only tolerated, but also owned and recognised and submitted to by Caesar. ...
For more, see:
At least this much is certain, that our Lord never claimed toleration for His kingdom and truth upon the footing that it had an equal right, and no more than equal, with falsehood, to be owned and protected by Caesar. Nay, our Lord never claimed toleration for His Gospel upon any other ground than that it was the truth, and not falsehood, and had a right, which falsehood had not, to be not only tolerated, but also owned and recognised and submitted to by Caesar. ...
For more, see:

James Bannerman on the magistrate and the exclusive claims of Christianity
Judging from the nature of the Gospel and of human society together, or judging from the actual history of the facts, we may lay it down, as a position not to be controverted, that when the civil m…