Puritan Board Freshman
Hi there,
I am unsettled by the "Big-Eva" disposition toward the biological family (BF), particularly in its demotion of it in comparison to more explicit "Kingdom-oriented" ambitions, like over-seas missions and local philanthropic ministries of all sorts. Part of the reason I moved toward the Reformed community was because of this; it seemed the more Reformed a group was, the more highly they evaluated family discipleship and the centricity of the family unit in building healthy churches.
However, I somewhat get why there is the drift to demote the BF when one looks at Jesus' teaching. It just seems that, when Jesus is confronted with a situation in which familial ties are in question, He tends to downplay the family. I know that's a simplistic misconstrual, but it does appear that way. I think Mark 10:29 is the most jolting example. In it, Jesus seems to encourage his disciples away from earthly family ties. I think anyone reading without a strong, developed hermeneutic would get the impression from scripture that Jesus diminishes the BF pretty brutally and as a matter of principle.
Now I know, I know, Jesus is ultimately teaching that following him means putting him and his kingdom above earthly ties, even good ones, but I have yet to find a strong, comprehensive explanation for how this truth doesn't imply that we ought to put family under “ministry,” whatever that ministry may be, provided it is outside the home and involves unbelievers. In a sort of devil's advocate role play, I see where the pseudo-gnostic Christians are coming from when they divorce the Spiritual from the Biological and elevate the former over the latter.
Missionary boarding schools, traveling preachers that leave their wives to care for the babies for months on end, young couples opting for adoption over having biological children — all these manifestations of the assumption that Jesus prioritizes missions over BF. Doesn't anyone have any resources on the topic that might shed light? Books, sermons, podcasts? Or personal input? I'm looking for answers to these questions that are thought out and aren't reflective of the synchronized church's disdain for the family.
Grateful for your thoughts and input.
I am unsettled by the "Big-Eva" disposition toward the biological family (BF), particularly in its demotion of it in comparison to more explicit "Kingdom-oriented" ambitions, like over-seas missions and local philanthropic ministries of all sorts. Part of the reason I moved toward the Reformed community was because of this; it seemed the more Reformed a group was, the more highly they evaluated family discipleship and the centricity of the family unit in building healthy churches.
However, I somewhat get why there is the drift to demote the BF when one looks at Jesus' teaching. It just seems that, when Jesus is confronted with a situation in which familial ties are in question, He tends to downplay the family. I know that's a simplistic misconstrual, but it does appear that way. I think Mark 10:29 is the most jolting example. In it, Jesus seems to encourage his disciples away from earthly family ties. I think anyone reading without a strong, developed hermeneutic would get the impression from scripture that Jesus diminishes the BF pretty brutally and as a matter of principle.
Now I know, I know, Jesus is ultimately teaching that following him means putting him and his kingdom above earthly ties, even good ones, but I have yet to find a strong, comprehensive explanation for how this truth doesn't imply that we ought to put family under “ministry,” whatever that ministry may be, provided it is outside the home and involves unbelievers. In a sort of devil's advocate role play, I see where the pseudo-gnostic Christians are coming from when they divorce the Spiritual from the Biological and elevate the former over the latter.
Missionary boarding schools, traveling preachers that leave their wives to care for the babies for months on end, young couples opting for adoption over having biological children — all these manifestations of the assumption that Jesus prioritizes missions over BF. Doesn't anyone have any resources on the topic that might shed light? Books, sermons, podcasts? Or personal input? I'm looking for answers to these questions that are thought out and aren't reflective of the synchronized church's disdain for the family.
Grateful for your thoughts and input.