Here is what I got.
Certainly! Here is the transcribed text from the image:
of the deceitfulnesse and guile of Mans Heart.
well worth the insisting upon, to shew the unfearchable hy-
pocrifie, and hidden deceitfulnesse that the heart of man hath
about sinne; to do it, and yet so to carry it as if he did not
sinne: If there could be a way found out to make sinne no
sinne, or that sinne should not be damnable, this would great-
ly content him; but that being impossible, he labours what he
can to delude his own heart, and to cover sin in his own foul
while he commits sinne.
And first, His deceitfulnesse about sinne doth appear, In that
he will bribe his understanding to do what it can to justifie sinne,
to make it to be no sinne, but very lawfull and necessary.
When God reproved Jonah for his sinfull frowardnesse, he re-
plies, Do I not well to be angry? Jonah 4.9. He pleaded for
his vice as a virtue. Thus the Israelites had many arguments
for their Idolatry, especially they plead the abundance and
plenty they had, ever since they offered to the Queen of Hea-
ven, but since they left that they were pursued with all cala-
mities, Jer. 44.17,18. Oh the hypocrisie of the heart, that can
finde out arguments to justifie sin, and make their transgressi-
ons duties. Thus the Pharisees, they plead against Christ, out
of Scripture; and Christ informeth us, men should think they
did God service John 16.2. by killing the godly that believe
in Christ. And Paul saith of himself once, that he thought
he was bound to do what he did, viz. in persecuting the Saints,
and compelling of them to blaspheme; and from hence comes
that desperate wickednesse and incurablenesse that followeth in
the text, Their eye is darke, and then how great is their dark-
nesse! Their mindes and understandings are corrupted; they
are become Pharisees, they place the affections, as hy what they
say, deny what they deny. Thus the Sun is alwaies in an E-
clipse, there is alwaies some interposition of some earthly ad-
vantage or other; and then the faculty being distempered, or
made drunk, no marvell if it judge deceitfully. Oh they are
very jealous of their own hearts, lest it plead for Baal, lest it
argue for sin: and while thou couldst not imbrace sin as it did
appear in its ugly colours, thou putteth another dress upon it,
and so makes it lovely. There is a woe to those that call evil
good, Is. 5.18. and good evil, light darknesse, and darknesse light.
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That is not bad at all.