Joe got his birthday present

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Joe's birthday is coming up on the 16th and I told him I'd get him a new and 'special' alb. I ordered it from Reformed T-Shirts Wear the Refor. Joe got it and said he'd wear it for April Fool's day. Glad you like it buddy. An Gottes Segen ist alles gelegen.

You would probably look pretty good in an alb Randy but with your gray beard I would recommend the black cassock of the Greek Orthodox, that would be AWESOME! I don't want to brag but since I was very young I've had a knack for pairing people with clergy vestments.
since I was very young I've had a knack for pairing people with clergy vestments

Not a lot of call for that sort of thing, is there, Bob?

I notice all of your posts were placed rather early this morning. Quiet Time kinda dry today? I've been there, brother. Keep pressing in.
Come on Wayne, up at 3 and I had an hour to pray on my way to Rockford. Working at 4 and a few quick posts. As for my vestment pairing business, yeah it's a little slow but I'm thinking of expanding to pairing vestments with antique furniture and farm animals, that market is untouched.
3 AM! I'm still dead to the world (isn't that the whole point?) at 3 AM

As to expanding the business, great idea. Farm animals in albs! A nice chasuble for your Guernsey. Dalmatics for last year's State Fair winners. A thurible around Clara Bell's neck.

I'm excited. When does this go public? Do you have an IPO date set yet?
I WAS excited until I see you've had the same ideas I've had. Maybe I'm not as smart as I think am.

I'm working overtime this week, normally I rise at 4:15. I'm starting to get punchy.
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