Joel Beeke: King James Version Study Bible

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Puritan Board Junior
From Joel Beeke's site (post: King James Version Study Bible):

Reformation Heritage Books is excited to announce the planned publication of a new study Bible. Amid the vast array of study Bibles written in the past century, there has not been a single Study Bible using the beloved and trusted King James Version written from a sound Reformed perspective. The KJV Study Bible for Personal and Family Worship (KJVSB) will promote the preservation and use of the KJV while leading the reader into a deeper and richer understanding of the Word of God.

One of its unique strengths will be its focus on personal and family worship. Each book will begin with an introduction that will give not only a clear synopsis of the book, but also will explain how the book fits in the redemptive history of Scripture. In addition to highlighting key interpretational issues and explaining archaic words, the KJVSB will strongly emphasize the application of the Scripture to the heart and life. This “head-heart-hand” focus will speak to both the intellectual as well as the experiential needs of the reader. Unique to the KJVSB are the recommendations and pointers for personal and family worship at the conclusion of every chapter.

For more information on this project and how you can help, please see the KJV Study Bible ad.
There was a thread on this a few months ago and I am even more excited about this now than I was then. This looks like it will be an incredible resource for the Reformed Community and I do not even own a KJV (I know, I know I probably should).
Okay... I will get cyber-punched for this...

Wouldn't $250,000 be better spent making a faithful translation from the Hb/Gr Mss behind the KJV? That seems to be a real need in the church- an Ecclesiastical Text in "vulgar" language to use the WCF's term.
Okay... I will get cyber-punched for this...

Wouldn't $250,000 be better spent making a faithful translation from the Hb/Gr Mss behind the KJV? That seems to be a real need in the church- an Ecclesiastical Text in "vulgar" language to use the WCF's term.

Isn't that what the NKJV did? Or did they simply remove the "thees and thous" and not update the translation at all?
Okay... I will get cyber-punched for this...

Wouldn't $250,000 be better spent making a faithful translation from the Hb/Gr Mss behind the KJV? That seems to be a real need in the church- an Ecclesiastical Text in "vulgar" language to use the WCF's term.

And my dear brother and colleague, "vulgar" in the WCF sense means English, not Latin, German, not Latin, French, not Latin, etc.

vulgar [ˈvʌlgə]
(Linguistics) (often capital; usually prenominal) denoting a form of a language, esp of Latin, current among common people, esp at a period when the formal language is archaic and not in general spoken use

The KJV is still vulgar.

Okay... I will get cyber-punched for this...

Wouldn't $250,000 be better spent making a faithful translation from the Hb/Gr Mss behind the KJV? That seems to be a real need in the church- an Ecclesiastical Text in "vulgar" language to use the WCF's term.

Or how about a Bible in an indigenous language that doesn't have one at all (regardless of TR or CT!). But alas... We drown in new translations and new versions and bindings and font sizes and page layouts, ad infinitum while many in the world have not even a single page of Scripture in their native tongue.
Okay... I will get cyber-punched for this...

Wouldn't $250,000 be better spent making a faithful translation from the Hb/Gr Mss behind the KJV? That seems to be a real need in the church- an Ecclesiastical Text in "vulgar" language to use the WCF's term.

Or how about a Bible in an indigenous language that doesn't have one at all (regardless of TR or CT!). But alas... We drown in new translations and new versions and bindings and font sizes and page layouts, ad infinitum while many in the world have not even a single page of Scripture in their native tongue.

This being done dear brother. By clicking here, you will see that TBS, one among several bible translation societies, is working hard on bringing the gospel to many other languages. The RHB Study Bible is simply trying to provide a study Bible for families. We are not indicating by our work that all other efforts are less important than our own.

Alan MacGregor
Andrew McIntosh
Chuck Barrett
David Silversides
Gerald Procee
Jerrold Lewis
Jerry Bilkes
Joel Beeke John Greer
John McKnight
John Thackway
Malcom Watts
Mark Allison
Maurice Roberts
Mike Barrett
Pooyan Mehrshahi
Okay... I will get cyber-punched for this...

Wouldn't $250,000 be better spent making a faithful translation from the Hb/Gr Mss behind the KJV? That seems to be a real need in the church- an Ecclesiastical Text in "vulgar" language to use the WCF's term.

I don't know about a "cyber-punch" but I'll give a hearty cyber-amen.
Okay... I will get cyber-punched for this...

Wouldn't $250,000 be better spent making a faithful translation from the Hb/Gr Mss behind the KJV? That seems to be a real need in the church- an Ecclesiastical Text in "vulgar" language to use the WCF's term.

Originally that is what the Holman Christian Standard was supposed to be, a new translation from the Majority/Byzantine texts. But then Arthur Farstad died and they decided to go with the Critical Text instead.
vulgar [ˈvʌlgə]
(Linguistics) (often capital; usually prenominal) denoting a form of a language, esp of Latin, current among common people, esp at a period when the formal language is archaic and not in general spoken use

The KJV is still vulgar.

Reverend Lewis, I will stop after this, but using your definition of vulgar, I must say that the only time I have heard vulgar English during my ministry was at an Elizabethan festival in San Diego. Your definition says that it is "current among common people." I cannot say that I have heard this vulgar tongue during my time as a pastor.
Reverend Lewis, I will stop after this, but using your definition of vulgar, I must say that the only time I have heard vulgar English during my ministry was at an Elizabethan festival in San Diego. Your definition says that it is "current among common people." I cannot say that I have heard this vulgar tongue during my time as a pastor.

What, precisely, is the source of this vulgar translation? Would that be the Hebrew and Greek languages which utilise numerous linguistic and literary devices foreign to the "common people?" Or should one be content to leave these untranslated, or ill-translated, as in the other modern versions?
vulgar [ˈvʌlgə]
(Linguistics) (often capital; usually prenominal) denoting a form of a language, esp of Latin, current among common people, esp at a period when the formal language is archaic and not in general spoken use

The KJV is still vulgar.

Reverend Lewis, I will stop after this, but using your definition of vulgar, I must say that the only time I have heard vulgar English during my ministry was at an Elizabethan festival in San Diego. Your definition says that it is "current among common people." I cannot say that I have heard this vulgar tongue during my time as a pastor.

One thing. Isn't the point of a study Bible to make it easier for the common people to properly understand the Bible by way of study aids etc.?
Okay... I will get cyber-punched for this...

Wouldn't $250,000 be better spent making a faithful translation from the Hb/Gr Mss behind the KJV? That seems to be a real need in the church- an Ecclesiastical Text in "vulgar" language to use the WCF's term.

Or how about a Bible in an indigenous language that doesn't have one at all (regardless of TR or CT!). But alas... We drown in new translations and new versions and bindings and font sizes and page layouts, ad infinitum while many in the world have not even a single page of Scripture in their native tongue.

Amen and amen! Nevertheless, since this money is being invested in this way regardless, I hope and pray that it will be a great blessing to the Church. I have no doubt that it will be a helpful resource.

I know that you answered this years ago. However, I'm on a plane and it would be too much hassle to try to search the archives. What is your problem with the NKJV? Do you want an English translation that is more TR without any MT or do you just not like the English style of the NKJV?

Alan MacGregor
Andrew McIntosh
Chuck Barrett
David Silversides
Gerald Procee
Jerrold Lewis
Jerry Bilkes
Joel Beeke John Greer
John McKnight
John Thackway
Malcom Watts
Mark Allison
Maurice Roberts
Mike Barrett
Pooyan Mehrshahi

Thank you, Pastor Lewis!
I wonder if Beeke et al will eventually allow the notes to be published with a different translation (like the ESV) after the KJV version has been in print awhile. I expect the notes to be excellent but, having no interest in the KJV, I'd be out of luck if that's the only translation they come with.
I wonder if Beeke et al will eventually allow the notes to be published with a different translation (like the ESV) after the KJV version has been in print awhile. I expect the notes to be excellent but, having no interest in the KJV, I'd be out of luck if that's the only translation they come with.

While I don't read from the KJV (and don't plan on starting to) I think this resource will be worth having it even in a translation that I do not read.
My comment on Facebook when someone made a argument for current language.

I am partial to the KJV. I like the manuscript family the best. I believe it to be a pretty accurate translation via formal equivalence as much as possible. And as far as education goes, I quit school with an 8th grade education having flunked my 9
th grade and what part my sophmore year I attended. Because I picked up the KJV I learned to read better and had a college level comprehension by my second year in the Navy. My Commanding officer made everyone who didn't have a High School education get tested and get their GED. I thank God for him. I have an associates degree at least. I am also probably headed back for Seminary also.

The KJV is not that archaic and the tenses of language are kept. Something our generation knows little about. We need to go grow up. I love my KJV. Stupidity has languished too long. I also use other translations so I am not KJVO.

BTW, I can show passages that common day language will need explanation and commentary to understand. Study to show thyself approved is a discipline. The word of God should not be taken in as fast food is in our day. The KJV is just fine.
...We need to go grow up. I love my KJV. Stupidity has languished too long. I also use other translations so I am not KJVO.

...The word of God should not be taken in as fast food is in our day. The KJV is just fine.

Before someone bashes you for obvious reasons, I thought I might assume the right to clarify your intentions in order to support your sentiments, as I agree with you: Those who demand the word of God in the same manner as they demand their fast food should grow up as a Christian. I believe this is what you were aiming at? To that I say amen.
I find it difficult to accept the argument that we need study notes or more modern Bible translations in order to make the scriptures more lucid for the average laymen. Is it that hard to use a KJV dictionary? If a Scottish farmboy can memorize the Westminster Shorter Catechism, why is it so difficult for educated American Christians?
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