Johannes Vlak on keeping the Sabbath in its original holiness

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Puritan Board Sophomore
272D8105-EAAE-4009-BA78-80B20F9E67A7.jpeg 4. And he blessed it.
Blessing has among other meanings keep holy, and labor with holy practices. Blessing the day, means we are also to respect and keep it in the same manner. And so also the Lord did, seeing that all His works were good, and creating man in His own image, seeing this day still untainted and not yet desecrated by the sin of Angels and man, the cause of the curse of Genesis 3:17. God has blessed it, that means
  1. For a holy, and not yet considered profaned day,
  2. A restful and
  3. Maintaining that which was created good in the original goodness and holiness.

Johannes Vlak (1686) De heilige Sabbath, en de dag des Heeren, aangemerkt in der zelver Godelijke verbintenis en Christelijke vryheid, tot bevorderinge der ware Godzaligheid, en nodige Eendragt.

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