C. Matthew McMahon
Christian Preacher
The Christian’s Deliverance by Christ and the Nature of Practical Religion by John Kettlewell (1653–1695)
John Kettlewell (1653–1695) was an English Divine and powerful preacher of Christ’s Gospel. It was said of him that he was as “saint-like a man” as one ever knew. His voluminous works show him to be a very devout as well as learned preacher, which will outlast any monument his friends could have bestowed on him.
This work on Practical Religion, which centers on the Gospel of Jesus Christ, was Kettlewell’s first work ever published, and was eminently popular. Its purpose was to take basic Christian doctrine and make it exceptionally practical in the life of a believer. In this work he expanded his sermons into 5 discourses or chapters.
The first discourse states the notion of the Christian’s salvation, and shows it chiefly to consist in a deliverance from our sins, centered on Matthew 1:21, “Thou shalt call his name Jesus: for he shall save his people from their sins.”
The second discourse shows that this deliverance, and entire obedience, is neither impossible, nor extremely difficult, if sincere Christians set about it as they should, centered on Phil. 4:13, “I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me.”
The third discourse shows how to form such a purpose of sincere repentance, and entire obedience which will be effectual for this purpose, centered on Acts 11:23, “And exhorted them all, that with purpose of heart, they would cleave unto the Lord.”
The fourth discourse shows how to take the truest wisdom of worldly men in their managements, and apply it with admirable use and advantage in the improvement and perfection of holy obedience, centered on Luke 16:8, “For the children of this world are wiser in their generation, than the children of light.”
The fifth discourse shows how Christians ought to think about the return of their prayers, or when they may, and when they may not, promise themselves the particular things they ask for, centered on Matthew 7:7-8, “Ask and it shall be given you; for every one that asketh, receiveth.”
This work is not a scan or facsimile, has been carefully transcribed by hand being made easy to read in modern English, and has an active table of contents for electronic versions.
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Table of Contents
Preface and Bio of John Kettlewell
Discourse 1: Deliverance from All Our Sins
Discourse 2: Christian Obedience
Discourse 3: Sincere Repentance
Discourse 4: The Admirable Use of Wisdom
Discourse 5: The Work of Prayer
John Kettlewell (1653–1695) was an English Divine and powerful preacher of Christ’s Gospel. It was said of him that he was as “saint-like a man” as one ever knew. His voluminous works show him to be a very devout as well as learned preacher, which will outlast any monument his friends could have bestowed on him.
This work on Practical Religion, which centers on the Gospel of Jesus Christ, was Kettlewell’s first work ever published, and was eminently popular. Its purpose was to take basic Christian doctrine and make it exceptionally practical in the life of a believer. In this work he expanded his sermons into 5 discourses or chapters.
The first discourse states the notion of the Christian’s salvation, and shows it chiefly to consist in a deliverance from our sins, centered on Matthew 1:21, “Thou shalt call his name Jesus: for he shall save his people from their sins.”
The second discourse shows that this deliverance, and entire obedience, is neither impossible, nor extremely difficult, if sincere Christians set about it as they should, centered on Phil. 4:13, “I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me.”
The third discourse shows how to form such a purpose of sincere repentance, and entire obedience which will be effectual for this purpose, centered on Acts 11:23, “And exhorted them all, that with purpose of heart, they would cleave unto the Lord.”
The fourth discourse shows how to take the truest wisdom of worldly men in their managements, and apply it with admirable use and advantage in the improvement and perfection of holy obedience, centered on Luke 16:8, “For the children of this world are wiser in their generation, than the children of light.”
The fifth discourse shows how Christians ought to think about the return of their prayers, or when they may, and when they may not, promise themselves the particular things they ask for, centered on Matthew 7:7-8, “Ask and it shall be given you; for every one that asketh, receiveth.”
This work is not a scan or facsimile, has been carefully transcribed by hand being made easy to read in modern English, and has an active table of contents for electronic versions.
Get the eBook Pack here at Puritan Publications.
Get the Printed Book here at my Spotlight Page.
Get the Amazon versions here.
Get the Google Play version here.
Get the Nook Version here.
Table of Contents
Preface and Bio of John Kettlewell
Discourse 1: Deliverance from All Our Sins
Discourse 2: Christian Obedience
Discourse 3: Sincere Repentance
Discourse 4: The Admirable Use of Wisdom
Discourse 5: The Work of Prayer