John Philpot on Arians as the seed of Satan

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Reformed Covenanter

Cancelled Commissioner
... Who, having the zeal of the glory of God in his heart, cannot burst out in tears and lamentations, to hear the immortal glory of the Son of God trod under the feet by the vile seed of the serpent, whose head by his eternal godhead he hath beaten down, and therefore now lieth biting at his heel, lurking in corners? But he shall be crushed in pieces unto eternal Woe, after he hath spewed out all his venom; for brighter is the glory of our God and Christ, than it may be darkened by all the rowte [rabble] of the prince of darkness, who dwelleth in the light which is unapproachable, although these dead dogs do take upon them with their corrupt light to pierce and blemish the same to their own blinding forever. ...

For more, see John Philpot on Arians as the seed of Satan.
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