Hello, brothers and sisters.
Recently I listened to this podcast in which Dr. R. Scott Clark talked about Jonathan Edwards' deficient view of justification (specifically see 39:09-46:45 in the link above). In short, his accusation is that Edwards simply is "ambiguous" regarding justification by faith alone. According to Dr. Clark, Hodge considered Edwards a pantheist, as well, but according to this site this is only characteristic of early Edwards. As far as I am aware, Edwards held to the Westminster Standards.
Now, I realize that in the context of the video topic (the so-called "QIRC" and "QIRE") Edwards, with his interest in religious phenomena, is somewhat of an opponent, so that might have fueled the attack, but does anyone know what Dr. Clark is talking about regarding Edwards theology of justification? In the podcast, he seemed like his opinion of him is not that broadly accepted.
Thank you all.
Recently I listened to this podcast in which Dr. R. Scott Clark talked about Jonathan Edwards' deficient view of justification (specifically see 39:09-46:45 in the link above). In short, his accusation is that Edwards simply is "ambiguous" regarding justification by faith alone. According to Dr. Clark, Hodge considered Edwards a pantheist, as well, but according to this site this is only characteristic of early Edwards. As far as I am aware, Edwards held to the Westminster Standards.
Now, I realize that in the context of the video topic (the so-called "QIRC" and "QIRE") Edwards, with his interest in religious phenomena, is somewhat of an opponent, so that might have fueled the attack, but does anyone know what Dr. Clark is talking about regarding Edwards theology of justification? In the podcast, he seemed like his opinion of him is not that broadly accepted.
Thank you all.