King James Bible (AV) and the Dutch Annotations online!

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Puritan Board Freshman
The famous Synod of Dordt 1618-1619 commissioned a new translation of the Bible ( known as the staten bible) together with the marginal notes. The value of the marginal notes from the Staten Bible was recognised beyond the Netherlands. Hence the Westminster Assembly of Divines decided to have them translated into English, so that the English speaking world could gain access to the spiritual treasures contained therein.
In 1657 The Dutch Annotations upon the whole Bible were completed by Theodore Haak. He was born near Worms in Germany in the year 1605, and studied in England as well as in the Netherlands.

These notes are now available online: AV and Annotations (with a powerful search engine, references and much more!).

I am in a reformed church with dutch roots and I had no idea that this existed.

Thank you brother.
The Dutch annotations are still highly regarded in various Reformed Churches in the Netherlands, where the Staten Translation still is being used. I think they are still very valuable. They have significantly more doctrinal depth than a lot of modern study bibles/notes have.
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