Kings in disguise! (Thomas Watson)

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Puritanboard Commissioner
(Thomas Watson, "The Great Gain of Godliness")

"They will be Mine!" says the Lord Almighty, "in
the day when I make up My jewels!" Malachi 3:17

What a comfort is this—in respect of our present
poverty! Believers are married to the King of heaven
—and all that is in God is theirs! Though we have no
earthly riches—yet if God is ours and we are His—this
creates joy in the most impoverished condition!

And that which may raise the comfort of the godly
higher, and cause a jubilation of spirit, is that shortly
God will own His people before all the world, and say,
"These are mine!" At present the elect are not known:
"It does not yet appear what we shall be" 1 John 3:2.
The saints are like kings in disguise; but how will
their hearts leap for joy—when God shall pronounce
these words, "These are Mine! The lot of free grace
has fallen upon them! These shall lie forever in the
bosom of My love!"
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