KJV Psalter pointed for chanting in Laud's liturgy


Puritan Board Senior
The Psalmes of King David: translated by King James. London: Thomas Harper, 1636. This is a metrical version, supposedly pointed for chanting, that Archbishop Laud included in his liturgy that he imposed upon Scotland..
I am sure Laud's liturgy must be online somewhere. I can not find it.
I believe that Nashotah House, an anglo-catholic Episcopal Seminary in Wisconsin has a copy.
Does anyone know of a copy on-line?

Interesting. I see from the notes that it was largely translated by the Earl of Stirling rather than by King James himself. The practice of using ghostwriters has been around for a while.

Apparently, King James translated 31 of the Psalms but died prior to completing his endeavor. Stirling translated the rest, and even revised what James had translated. It was then published under Charles I, but it was not well-received even among high-church Anglicans.