Knowledge of God inexhaustible; the novelty of God unto the creature.

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Puritan Board Freshman
In the graph of y=e^x we see that for each increase in unit x, y never reaches infinity. That is x increases forever and y never reaches vertical. When we look up to God in awe and wonder, we can know our prior awe and wonder can be surpassed and indeed added to. Perhaps the thought that God may not be able to satisfy us forever has crossed our minds; in his presence is fullness of joy and at his right hand are pleasures forevermore. After we have looked up, we can look up even more. After we look back at what we have gained, what we will gain will always be greater than we what we have already gained. The novelty of God is boundless, the novelty of sex is indeed finite; the physical universe, the pleasures of food and sex, the mental pleasures of the material world, physics, chemistry and biology are also finite, but the spiritual essence of God, his immutable infinitude essence, his holiness, and his glory is exhaustible unto the creature; the creature always remains in a state of flux, of increase of knowledge in heaven for all eternity; to know and then to know more, to be satisfied with knowledge and yet satisfied with more knowledge, from glory to glory. By faith we believe that God can satiate us forever more and more. Perhaps the sinner in hell will be given the full revelation of his sin, and be forever without satiation in his mind and body, always hungry, always thirsty, always confused, no new knowledge, no novelty, but the full revelation of the utter futility of sin; only weeping and gnashing of teeth of being bound completely to ones own heart being unable to look any further than the self for all eternity; the sinner in hell longs for death, but whilst on the earth he said he had life in himself and wanted to live but in reality loved death; Proverbs 8:36 but he who fails to find me injures himself; all who hate me love death (ESV). The sinner in hell receives his love of death forever.
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