Koelman - Reformation Necessary Concerning the Feast Days

even eens als of het opperste vonnis en oordeel over kerkelijke zaken den politijken toequam, en zy als Heerschers in de Kerk de Sleutelen des Hemelrijks, in handen hadden, en dat naast ofte onder Christus, boven de Leeraars en Opsienders.

Church’s rights
Church's authority
the Authorities against me
the Authorities mustered against me
as being Advocates
as having to be Advocates
Foster Fathers/Nursing Fathers [Isa 49:23, the word translated in the ESV/KJV]
His Instructions
His Prescriptions
to judge ecclesiastical matters
to make judgements in ecclesiastical matters
use Censure
use the Censure
against the scandalous
I am trying to get a better translation; perhaps "against troublemakers" ["ergerlijk" means "annoying" or "giving offence" or "provoking to anger", and "ergerlijke" refers to the perpetrators of such]
alternatively "appropriated" or "misappropriated" [referring to taking on authority that is not rightfully yours]
in defiance
against my will
Judge concerning purely ecclesiastical matters,
Judge, for purely ecclesiastical matters,
two notorious ecclesiastical Orders
two ecclesiastical Orders in question
containing some human institutions
comprising solely human institutions
forbidden to preach, and the entire execution of my service hindered.
forbidden to preach and hindered completely in the execution of my service/ministry
I am dreadfully excluded from all ecclesiastical Assemblies
I am excluded with great force from all ecclesiastical Assemblies/Meetings of the Church
and from my dear and loving Congregation, which cries and cries to the Authorities about this, and particularly to the Lord of Hosts, who hears and will answer the prayer of the oppressed, violently and unheard of in our land, – forcibly taken and banished
and, with singular – and in our country, unheard of – violence, taken and banished from my dear and loving Congregation, which cries and yells to the Authorities about this, and particularly to the Lord of Hosts, who hears and will answer the prayer of the oppressed
and they, as rulers
and as if they, as rulers
next to or above Christ
next to or under Christ
I am trying to get a better translation; perhaps "against troublemakers" ["ergerlijk" means "annoying" or "giving offence" or "provoking to anger", and "ergerlijke" refers to the perpetrators of such]

alternatively "appropriated" or "misappropriated" [referring to taking on authority that is not rightfully yours]

Thankyou again for your help. I almost gave up trying to bring sense to all the subordinate and apposite clauses. At one stage I thought I was back in school diagramming them.

On a technical level our books of discipline refer to the scandalous. Do you think "ergerlijk" is being used in this technical way?

The Scottish Presbyterian use the word "usurp" in this context so that might be a better fit. As I read Koelman he sounds very similar to the Covenanters with whom he associated.
Thankyou again for your help. I almost gave up trying to bring sense to all the subordinate and apposite clauses. At one stage I thought I was back in school diagramming them.

On a technical level our books of discipline refer to the scandalous. Do you think "ergerlijk" is being used in this technical way?

The Scottish Presbyterian use the word "usurp" in this context so that might be a better fit. As I read Koelman he sounds very similar to the Covenanters with whom he associated.
If it fits with the technical/common use of the words in the English, you can use them that way, no problem; I am less familiar with such terms, so I gave the words that made most sense to my ears.
3rd paragraph of the Letter to the Reader, part G.

My belangende (wat ook de E. Classis en Kerkenraadt verder hier ontrent mochten doen ofte laten) ik en zal mijn Conscientie niet leggen onder ’t gebodt der Overheden, die’ alleen onder Godt staat, ende ick wil door geen lafhertige toegeving, buyging, opvolging, en onderwerping her Recht der Kerke verraden, noch Jezu ofte des Kerckes Macht aan een ander overlaten, maar liever alles verdragen, dan hier in trouwloos bevonden worden. Ik late pu voorts aan een ander over, te vertoonen aan de Wereldt, wat groote zonde in dezen handel tegen my begaan wordt tegen den Heere ende tegen zijn Gezalf de en van wat schadelijcke en schricklijcke gevolgen de zelve is ofte wezen kan. Ik moet nu zwijgen en lijden, wat my de Heere in zijn voorzienigheidt oplegt. Elk oordeele over deze Proceduuren, Historischer wijze kortelijk {xiii} verhaalt, na dat hy zal denken met Godts woort over een te komen. Dit weet ik dat de Presbyteriaansche Theoleganten in Engeland en bysonder in Schotlant met groote ontsetting hier van hooren, en verder hooren zullen, als ziende de zelve geest van tegenstant in Neerlant overghekomen, welke zoo woedet onder haar over de zelve zaaken. Doch mijn wensch is, dat de opzienders der Kerke van Nederlandt dit alles niet ongemerckt mochten laaten voor by gaen, als of het haar niet aanging, dewijl het niet my zoo zeer, als wel den Heere Iesus ende zijn Kerk, en zoo haar elk in t’ bysonder belangt; maar datse mochten alles overwegen in des Heeren vreese, en in t’bysonder ook mijn gronden, waar op ik oordeele dat ghemeene ghebruyk der Formulieren ende Feestdaghen ongheoorloft, zijnde bevat in dit Tractaat van de Feestdaghen en dat eerste van de Formulieren; waar by ik geern zach, dat ge leezen, en geconsidereert wierden twee kleine tractaatjens onlangs uit gekomen, het eene bevattende ettelijke vraa ghen voorgestelt aan Leeraas Ouderlinghen en andere ghemeene belijders, nopende de macht en Privilegien van de Koning Iesus, en van zijn Kerk en Dienaaren, als mede trecht en macht der polityke Overigheidt ontrent her Kerkelijke; het andere zijnde een samenspraak, nopende de zaak van de Formulieren van gebeden en onderrichtin gen, en mijne pooging daar ontrent.

As far as I am concerned (whatever the Hon. Classis and Church Council may further do or refrain from doing in this matter), I will not place my conscience under the command of the Authorities, as it is subject only to God, and I do not want to betray the Authority of the Church through cowardly concession, submission, compliance, and subjugation, nor will I relinquish the Authority of Jesus or the Church to another, but I would rather endure everything than be found unfaithful in this. I leave it to others to show the world what great sin is being committed, in the way in which I am treated in this matter, against the Lord and against His Anointed, and what harmful and dreadful consequences it has or can have. I must now remain silent and suffer what the Lord in His providence has imposed upon me. Each will judge of these procedures, briefly narrated in a historical manner, as he thinks agrees with God's word. I know that the Presbyterian theologians in England and especially in Scotland hear this with great dismay, and will continue to hear it, as they see that the same spirit of opposition has crossed over to the Netherlands, which rages so among them over the same issues. But my wish is that the overseers of the Church of the Netherlands must not let all this pass by unnoticed, as if it did not concern them, since it does not concern me so much as it does the Lord Jesus and His Church, and thus each of them in particular; but that they may consider everything in the fear of the Lord, and in particular also my grounds, on which I judge the common use of the Forms and Feast Days is unlawful, as contained in this Treatise on the Feast Days and the former Treatise on the Forms; whereby I desire to see two small treatises, which have recently been published, read and considered. The one contains several questions posed to Teaching Elders and other common professors of the faith, concerning the power and privileges of King Jesus, and of His Church and Servants, as well as the authority and power of the political authority concerning the ecclesiastical. The other being a dialogue concerning the matter of the Forms of prayers and teachings, and my efforts in these matters.
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het andere zijnde een samenspraak, nopende de zaak van de Formulieren van gebeden en onderrichtin gen, en mijne pooging daar ontrent.

My concern (whatever the Hon. Classis and Church Council may further do or refrain from doing in this matter) is that I
I believe this should be "As far as I am concerned (whatever the Hon. Classis and Church Council may further do or refrain from doing in this matter), I"
who are subject only to God
It seems this should be "as it is subject only to God"
I will not betray
I do not want to betray
the Power of Jesus
the Authority of Jesus
unfaithful here
unfaithful in this
committed against me in this matter, against
committed, in the way in which I am treated in this matter, against
it may have or can have
it has or can have
Each judgment on these procedures
Likely "Each will judge of these procedures"
will be made after he considers it with God’s word.
I think this should be "as he thinks agrees with God's word."
will hear this
hears this
as they see the same spirit of opposition having crossed over
as they see that the same spirit of opposition has crossed over
which is so furious among them over these matters.
which rages so among them over the same issues.
do not let all this go unnoticed
must not let all this pass by unnoticed
on which I judge that the common use of the Forms and Feast Days is unlawful
on which I judge the common use of the Forms and Feast Days unlawful
and that first of the Forms
possibly "and the former on the Forms" or "and the first on the Forms", although the language seems a bit messy here. It seems to refer to the two tracts/treatises.
; where I would gladly see that you read and consider two small treatises that have recently been published. One containing
I think this should be: "whereby I desire to see two small treatises, which have recently been published, read and considered. The one contains"
other common confessors
other common professors of the faith
rights and powers
authority and power
and my attempt thereon.
and my attempts/efforts in these matters.
4th paragraph of the Letter to the Reader, part A.

Eer ik nu eyndige, moet ik noch twee ofte dry zaaken zeggen, belangende mijn staat ende gelegentheit waar in ik my nu bevinde. Misschien zullen het zommige vremt op neemen, wat ik zal zeggen, en daar over verwondert en twijffelachtig staan, doch ik spreeke de waarheit in Christo, ik en liegeniet, mijn Conscientie my mede getuygenis gevende. Voor eerst, ik danke den Heere mijnen Godt door Christus Iesus, dat hy my niet alleen krachtdaadelijk heeft overtuigt en verzekert gehadt, dat de Heere Christus alleen als Koning en wet-gever in zijn zichtbaare Kerk is te erkennen ende te gehoorsaamen, hebbende zijn amptlieden en {xiv} opzienders in zijn huys gestelt, die na zijn woordt, ordonnantie, en voorschrift, niet als Heerschers, gelijk de Paus van Roomen, maar als Dienaars zouden regeeren, en bezorgen, ’tgeen tot de welstandt der Gemeinte zoude strekken; en die derhalven geen nieuwe wetten noch inste lingen ontrent den Godtsdienst hebben te maaken, ofte van elders te ontfangen, noch eenige politijke Overigheden als bevelhebbers in’t Kerkelijke, ende Heerschers in de Gemeinte te erkennen, op dat Iesus alleen als Hooft en Heer in de Kerk geeert worde; Maar dat hy my ook genadelijk heeft versterkt, om voor die groote waarheit ghetuygenis te geven voor Nederlandt, alwaar tot prejudicie van de Heere Iesus zijn kroon en Privilegien, in de Kerk zijn inghebracht Synodale wetten, over ’t Formulier leezen in den Godsdienst, en ’t vyeren van jaarlijksche, Feestdaghen, en van de inwendighe macht der Overheden in het Kerkelijke; de Heere zy gedankt, die my heeft doen verklaaring geven, mondeling en schriftelijk, voor’t recht van Iesus en van zijn Kerk, en Dienaaren; naamlijk dat het den Heere Jesus alleen toe komt, als de zoon in het Huys, particulier te ordonneeren de zaaken van den Godsdienst, en Kerk-bestiering van’t N. Testament; dienvolgens ghelijk hy den Leeraaren geen beschrevene Formulier-gebeden, noch Formulier-onderrichtingen ende opwekkingen heeft opgeleght, ook geen jaarlijksche vyerdagen boven zijnen dagh heeft ingestelt in zijn Kerk, noch de Overheden de innerlijke regeeringe en bestiering der Kerke heeft toevertrouwt, dat alsoo allen Leeraaren toekomt, haar zelven, ende zoo veel in haar is, ook andere vry te houden van die menschelijke ordonnantien; zoo dat men I. niet als een deel van den Godsdienst gebruyke die van menschen voorgeschrevene Formulieren; maar datmen volgens zijn Ordonnantie en instelling, zijn eyghen talenten, gaven en gena den tot bidden en spreeken aanlegge, uitziende, na allerley voorvallen, en in alle de verrichtingen van den dienst, na de beloosde hulp en bystant des Geests. 2. datmen geen jaar {xv} lijksche vyerdagen, van menschen uit haar nerte verzonnen, en ingestet, vyere, ende onderhoude tot den Godsdienst. 3. Damen den politijken geen geestelijke ofte Kerkelijke macht geve, noch laate oeffenen, noch in haar er kenne, die den Opzienders der Kerke alleen van den Heere Iesus is toevertrouwt.

Before I conclude, I must still say two or three things concerning my current state and situation. Perhaps some will find it strange what I am about to say and will be astonished and doubtful about it, but I speak the truth in Christ, I do not lie, as my conscience also bears me witness. First, I thank the Lord my God through Christ Jesus that He has not only powerfully convinced and assured me that the Lord Christ alone is to be acknowledged and obeyed as King and Lawgiver in His visible Church, having appointed His officers and overseers in His house, who would rule and care for that which would contribute to the well-being of the congregation according to his Word, ordinance, and prescription – not as rulers, like the Pope of Rome, but as servants. Consequently, they are not to make new laws or institutions concerning worship, nor to receive such from elsewhere, nor to recognise any political authorities as commanders in ecclesiastical matters and rulers in the congregation, so that Jesus alone may be honoured as Head and Lord in the Church. But He has also graciously strengthened me to bear witness to this great truth in the Netherlands, where, to the prejudice of the crown and privileges of the Lord Jesus, Synodical laws have been introduced in the Church concerning the reading of Forms in worship, the observance of annual feast days, and the internal power of the civil authorities in ecclesiastical matters. Thanks be to the Lord, who has enabled me to give testimony, both orally and in writing, for the authority of Jesus and His Church and servants; namely, that it belongs to the Lord Jesus alone, as the Son in the House, to ordain particularly the matters of worship and church governance according to the New Testament. Consequently, as He has not imposed prescribed Forms of prayers or Forms of instruction or exhortation upon the ministers, nor instituted annual feast days beyond His day in His Church, nor entrusted the internal governance and administration of the Church to the civil authorities, so that it is the duty of all ministers to keep themselves, and as much as lies in them, others also, free from these human ordinances. So that, (1.) they should not use the prescribed Forms of men as part of worship, but that they would apply their own talents, gifts, and graces for prayer and preaching according to His ordinance and institution – looking, in all circumstances and in all acts of worship, to the promised help and assistance of the Spirit. (2.) They should not observe and uphold for worship any annual feast days devised and instituted by men out of their own imagination. (3.) They should not give spiritual or ecclesiastical power – which is entrusted solely to the overseers of the Church by the Lord Jesus – to the political authorities, nor let such power be exercised by them, nor give recognition to such power in them.
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who, according to His Word, ordinance, and prescription, should rule and care for what contributes to the well-being of the congregation – not as lords, like the Pope of Rome, but as servants.
who would rule and care for that which would contribute to the well-being of the congregation according to his Word, ordinance, and prescription – not as rulers, like the Pope of Rome, but as servants.
nor receive them from elsewhere, nor recognise
nor to receive such from elsewhere, nor to recognise
to the prejudice of the Lord Jesus, His crown and privileges,
to the prejudice of the crown and privileges of the Lord Jesus
that it belongs to the Lord Jesus alone
If this sense does not stand out in the English, you could change it to "that it is the prerogative of the Lord Jesus alone"
the Son in the house
the Son in the House
of the New Testament
perhaps better as "according to the New Testament" or "as in the New Testament"
just as He
as He
Forms of prayers, Forms of instruction, or exhortations upon the ministers
Forms of prayers or Forms of instruction or exhortation upon the ministers
so it is the duty
so that it is the the duty
Thus, (1.) Let not the prescribed Forms of men be used as part of worship, but according to His ordinance and institution, let each apply their own talents, gifts, and graces for praying and speaking, looking to all circumstances and in all acts of worship, relying on the promised help and assistance of the Spirit.
So that, (1.) they should not use the prescribed Forms of men as part of worship, but that they would apply their own talents, gifts, and graces for prayer and speaking [most probably "preaching"] according to His ordinance and institution – looking, in all circumstances and in all acts of worship, to the promised help and assistance of the Spirit;
(2.) Let no annual feast days, devised and instituted by men out of their own imagination, be observed or maintained for worship.
(2.) they should not observe and uphold for worship any annual feast days devised and instituted by men out of their own imagination;
(3.) Let no spiritual or ecclesiastical power be given or exercised by the political authorities, nor recognised in them, which is entrusted solely to the overseers of the Church by the Lord Jesus.
(3.) they should not give spiritual or ecclesiastical power – which is entrusted solely to the overseers of the Church by the Lord Jesus – to the political authorities, nor let such power be exercised by them, nor give recognition to such power in them.
"Possibly "For, in the meantime, those days"; overmidts was not translated, but I am not 100% sure of its meaning."

"Possibly "For, in the meantime, those days"; overmidts was not translated, but I am not 100% sure of its meaning."


I double checked with some older writings and overmidts seems to be used in this conditional sense. To incorporate the change I have altered the whole structure to the following:

Secondly, I suffer because of my views and practices regarding the so-called Feast Days. For, since those days have been introduced outside of God’s will; – remnants and leaven of the idolatrous and superstitious Papacy, upsetting those inside and outside, – celebrated in addition to the Sabbath, superstitiously exalted, loved, and adorned, and profanely misused by many for the feeding of the flesh; – so I have taught and proven that those designated holy Days, as human inventions, introduced outside and against God’s Word, should be abolished and removed; and that it was not permissible for a Minister, after sufficient instruction and warning had been given on behalf of the Congregation, to promote the observance of those Days through his own practice.
Thankful for this Dutch Divine. His duties of Parents is a must read for parents, in my opinion. His appreciation for the Westminster Standards is also refreshing.
4th paragraph of the Letter to the Reader, part B.

Ten anderen, ik verheuge my grootelijks, dat het my gegeven is van den Heere, niet alleen, met woorden, schriften en daaden in mijn oprechtigheit te betuigen teghen den Formulierdienst (van een vroom Leeraar ergens genoeint een slenter en vleeschlijken sleur-dienst) teghen de genaamde Feestdagen, en tegen ’t aanmatigen van de macht en ’t recht der Kerke door de Overigheden, en voor Iesu Kroon en privilegien, en voor de macht en vryheit der Kerke, en der Dienaaren des Euangeliums, maar ook voor dit mijn getuygenis te lijden, niet alleen smaadt en verachting, en tegenstandt van allerley stants persoonen, ook byzonderlijk door de gene, die het minst betaamde, maar ook suspensie, atzetting, schorting, ende geweldige uitwerping van mijnen dienst door de hooge machten. Ik danke den Heere hertelijk, ende zal hem danken alle mijn daghen (hoewel ik niet ongevoelig bengeweest, noch ook nu ben van de swaarheit van ’t Kruys, en de schult der uitwerpers daarom niet te minder is) dat hy my zoo een geringhe en onwaardige uit genade gegeven heeft, om zijnent’ wil dat bittere verlies te ondergaan, niet van mijn Tractement, dat is weinig, maar van dat kostelijkste, dat ik naast, ja boven mijn leven moet schatten, van mijn Predikdienst in de bloejende en gezegende Gemeinte van Sluys; hier over verblijde ik my meer, dan over alle mijn arbeydt, dien ik in de bediening des H. Euangeliums aan die Gemeinte gedaan heb, niet twijffelende, of dit zelve zal my in de uure van mijn doodt meer troost geven, dan alle mijn Voorige betrachtingen en oprechte pogingen. Veele zullen denken, ofte verwachten, dat nu de vervolging en verdrukking zoo hoog gaat, ik nu wel berouw mocht krijgen, van dat ik op mijn getuigenis voor deze zaaken zoo vast {xvi} heb gestaan; maar ik verklaare, daar en is niets, daar ik in desen zoo veel berouw van hebbe, als van dat ik niet klockmoediger, stantvastiger ende onbeweeglijker heb gestaan op die onwrikbaare gronden, die my ontdekt zijn heb bende noch verstaan tot eenig voorslag, ofte temperament, om te meughen blijven in mijn bediening tot Sluys, doch tot eenige verduystering van de betuigde waarheit ende vryheidt, ende hebbende ook uit eenige consideratien, vreeze, ontzach, ofte hoop van herstel in mijn zeer gewenste dienst, my van den predikstoel onthouden. Dit is ’t gene my berouwt, en smert; maar ware de zaake zelfs noch te doen, ik woude door des Heeren genade de zelve resoluter ende overgegevener doen; ja ik betuige noch, voor den Heere ende voor zijn Gemeinte, dat indien ik de doodt voor dit getuygenisse Iesu moste ondergaan, ik billijken dat mijn kroon ende geluk zoude reke nen; En gelooft zy de Heere, dat hy in Schotlandt (op dacik nu van Engelandt zwijghe) veele heerlijke Martelaars ende bloedigeringen voor die onderdrukre dierbaare waarheden, van Iesu Koninklijk ampt ende Kroons privilegien, ende vant recht en macht der Kerke, in tegenstelling van alle de menschelijke vonden, en inzettingen en usurpatien, nu onlangs krachtelijk en heerlijk heeft doorge holpen, ende noch duyzenden vroome, zoo Leeraars als Gemeine belijders, voor dat zelve getuigenis doet goedts en bloedt, vrede en vrijheidt, naam en achting en alles in de waagschaal stellen. Ik ben ook verzekert, dat deze zelve vertredene waarheden niet altijdt zullen onderdrukt blijven; maar wanneer de Reformatie der Kerke eens door des Heeren Geest zijn voortgang zal neemen, dat de zelve dan noch op het heerlijkste zullen blinken, ende eenparig gemaintineert ende beleden zullen worden.

Secondly, I greatly rejoice that it has been given to me by the Lord, not only to testify with words, writings, and actions in my sincerity against the Formulary Service (described by a pious minister somewhere as a slovenly and carnal routine-service), against the designated Feast Days, and against the usurpation of the power and authority of the Church by the civil authorities; and also for Jesus' Crown and privileges, and for the power and freedom of the Church, and the Ministers of the Gospel, for this testimony of mine, to suffer not only insults, contempt, and opposition from people of all ranks, and especially from those from whom it was least fitting, but also suspension, deposition, deprivation, and forceful expulsion from my ministry by the higher powers. I heartily thank the Lord, and will thank Him all my days (though I have not been insensitive, nor am I now, to the heaviness of the cross, and the guilt of those who expelled me is no less because of it) that by grace He has determined that I, one unworthy and insignificant, should suffer that bitter loss for His sake – not of my stipend, which is little, but of that which is most precious, which I must value as equal to, indeed above, my life: my preaching ministry in the flourishing and blessed congregation of Sluys. I rejoice more over this than over all my labours in the ministry of the Holy Gospel to that congregation, not doubting that this very thing will give me more comfort in the hour of my death than all my previous efforts and sincere endeavours. Many will think or expect that now, as the persecution and oppression have reached such a height, I might well regret having stood so firmly in my testimony for these matters; but I declare that there is nothing in this that I regret so much as not having stood more courageously, steadfastly, and immovably on those unshakeable foundations that have been revealed to me, having still consented to any proposal or compromise that would allow me to remain in my ministry at Sluys, even if it meant some obscuring of the testified truth and freedom; and having also, out of certain considerations, fear, awe, or hope of restoration to my much-desired ministry, refrained from the pulpit. This is what I regret and grieve over; but even if the matter were still to be done, I would, by the grace of the Lord, do it more resolutely and with greater abandon. Yes, I still testify before the Lord and His congregation that if I had to face death for this testimony of Jesus, I would rightly consider it my crown and happiness. And blessed be the Lord, that He has recently, in Scotland (not to mention England now) mightily and gloriously sustained many glorious martyrs and blood-witnesses for those oppressed, precious truths of Jesus’ royal office and crown privileges, and of the authority and power of the Church, in opposition to all human inventions, institutions, and usurpations. And even now, thousands of pious people, both ministers and common professors of the faith, are willing to stake their possessions and their life, peace and freedom, name and reputation, and everything for that same testimony. I am also assured that these same trampled truths will not always remain suppressed; but when the Reformation of the Church one day progresses by the Spirit of the Lord, they will shine forth most gloriously and will be unanimously maintained and confessed.
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so-called Feast Days
I think this should be "designated Feast Days". "zogenaamde" would translate as "so-called", whereas "genaamde" is literally "called".
the civil authorities; but also
You overlooked "en voor Iesu Kroon en privilegien, en voor de macht en vryheit der Kerke, en der Dienaaren des Euangeliums". This could be translated, "and for Jesus' Crown and privileges, and for the power and freedom of the Church, and the Ministers of the Gospel".
to suffer for this testimony of mine, not only insults
, for this testimony of mine, to suffer not only insults
ranks, especially
ranks, and especially
Probably "expulsion", unless "deprivation" is an accepted procedure in the context.
, and violent expulsion
I think "forceful expulsion" is better.
is no less)
is no less because of it/for it)
that by grace He has given me, so unworthy and insignificant, the strength to endure that bitter loss
that by grace He has determined that I, one unworthy and insignificant, should suffer that bitter loss for His sake
but of what I must value as most precious, next to
but of that which is most precious, which I must value as equal to
unshakable grounds
can also be translated "unshakable foundations"
nor having understood
possibly "nor having stood against". I'm also not sure that the translation of this sentence is structurally correct, but it is a bit complex. I think we will need some proper Dutch help. Please verify, @Claes Jacob Heijndericksz and @BertMulder
freedom. And having
freedom; and having
but if the matter itself were still to be done
possibly "but even if the matter were still to be done"
and surrendered
and with greater abandon
undergo death
"face death" may be a more natural translation
And believe it, the Lord has in Scotland
And blessed be the Lord, that he has recently, in Scotland
their goods and blood
their possessions and their life
once again progresses
one day progresses
through the Spirit
by the Spirit
My apologies, can you get me the Dutch sentence, as I am having trouble finding it...
"maar ik verklaare, daar en is niets, daar ik in desen zoo veel berouw van hebbe, als van dat ik niet klockmoediger, stantvastiger ende onbeweeglijker heb gestaan op die onwrikbaare gronden, die my ontdekt zijn heb bende noch verstaan tot eenig voorslag, ofte temperament, om te meughen blijven in mijn bediening tot Sluys, doch tot eenige verduystering van de betuigde waarheit ende vryheidt, ende hebbende ook uit eenige consideratien, vreeze, ontzach, ofte hoop van herstel in mijn zeer gewenste dienst, my van den predikstoel onthouden"

It is currently translated to "but I declare that there is nothing in this that I regret so much as not having stood more courageously, steadfastly, and immovably on those unshakable foundations that have been revealed to me, nor having stood against any proposal or compromise that would allow me to remain in my ministry at Sluys, even if it meant some obscuring of the testified truth and freedom; and having also, out of certain considerations, fear, awe, or hope of restoration to my much-desired ministry, refrained from the pulpit. "
"maar ik verklaare, daar en is niets, daar ik in desen zoo veel berouw van hebbe, als van dat ik niet klockmoediger, stantvastiger ende onbeweeglijker heb gestaan op die onwrikbaare gronden, die my ontdekt zijn heb bende noch verstaan tot eenig voorslag, ofte temperament, om te meughen blijven in mijn bediening tot Sluys, doch tot eenige verduystering van de betuigde waarheit ende vryheidt, ende hebbende ook uit eenige consideratien, vreeze, ontzach, ofte hoop van herstel in mijn zeer gewenste dienst, my van den predikstoel onthouden"

It is currently translated to "but I declare that there is nothing in this that I regret so much as not having stood more courageously, steadfastly, and immovably on those unshakable foundations that have been revealed to me, nor having stood against any proposal or compromise that would allow me to remain in my ministry at Sluys, even if it meant some obscuring of the testified truth and freedom; and having also, out of certain considerations, fear, awe, or hope of restoration to my much-desired ministry, refrained from the pulpit. "
This can no longer be translated properly by modern Dutch speakers: “hebbende noch verstaan tot eenig voorslag, ofte temperament.” We don’t use those words in this manner anymore. It seems to me some kind of formal Dutch.

From A new English and Dutch dictionary ... = Nieuw Engelsch en Néderduitsch woorden-boek ... / John Holtrop:

Temperament (s.n.) ]Temper, constitution

Verstaan (p.p. of verstaan) Understood

Verstaan (v.d.begrijpen) to Comprehend, understand; ik heb u niet verstaan, I did not comprehend you; hij verstaat engelsch, he understands english; - ik heb hem te verstaan gegeven, I gave him to understand ik heb uit uwen aangenaamen van den 3. deezer verstaan, I learned by your favour of the 3. Instant; - hij verstaat de zaak niet, he knows nothing of the matter, or he does not comprehend it; hij verstaat zijn werk zeer wel he is very skilful in his work; daarop verstaat hij zich bijzonder he has got a peculiar knach that way; - hij wilde er niet toe verstaan he would not consent to it - zij verstaan malkander om u te bedriegen they agree together to cheat you; zich met de vijanden verstaan (geheime verstandhouding hebben), to have secret intelligence with the enemy.

Voorslag (s.m.) a Proposal, mótion; die voorslag is heel billijk, that proposal is very just; daar wierd een voorslag gedaan, there was a motion made.

In a totally different book I could find this sentence: “En straks daar na beweerden sommigen zelfs, dat men zyne Hoogheid tot Graave van Holland behoorde te verheffen, terwyl anderen verzekerden, dat de Prins deeze waardigheid niet begeerde, schoon hy met genoegen den voorslag tot het Erfstadhouderschap had verstaan.”
Which I would translate: “And shortly thereafter, some even claimed that His Highness ought to be elevated to Count of Holland, while others assured that the Prince did not desire this dignity, although he had gladly accepted the proposal for the Hereditary Stadtholdership.”

So I would read instead of “nor having stood against any proposal or compromise” as “having still consented to any proposal or compromise”.
"maar ik verklaare, daar en is niets, daar ik in desen zoo veel berouw van hebbe, als van dat ik niet klockmoediger, stantvastiger ende onbeweeglijker heb gestaan op die onwrikbaare gronden, die my ontdekt zijn heb bende noch verstaan tot eenig voorslag, ofte temperament, om te meughen blijven in mijn bediening tot Sluys, doch tot eenige verduystering van de betuigde waarheit ende vryheidt, ende hebbende ook uit eenige consideratien, vreeze, ontzach, ofte hoop van herstel in mijn zeer gewenste dienst, my van den predikstoel onthouden"

It is currently translated to "but I declare that there is nothing in this that I regret so much as not having stood more courageously, steadfastly, and immovably on those unshakable foundations that have been revealed to me, nor having stood against any proposal or compromise that would allow me to remain in my ministry at Sluys, even if it meant some obscuring of the testified truth and freedom; and having also, out of certain considerations, fear, awe, or hope of restoration to my much-desired ministry, refrained from the pulpit. "
I agree with the rendition of Klaas, whose Dutch is probably better and more current than mine, being an expat in Canada...
4th paragraph of the Letter to the Reader, part C. This concludes the letter. What a wonderful note to finish on! He was a truly gracious and faithful minister of the Word.

Ten darden. Ik betuige ende verklaare, dat ik een vyandt ben, van eenige separatie ofte scheuring te maaken in ded Kerk van Nederlande, ende dat ik noit in mijn leven cen hande ofte raadt daar toe wil leenen. Mijn vyanden onder {xvii} kerkelijke en politijke hebben my daar mede gezocht vers dacht, ende zwart te maaken, ende zoo de hooge Overig heit tegen my op te hitten, zeggende, dat ik ’t maar op scheuring in de Kerk aenleydde, na de wijze van D. de la Badie, ofte op een afgezonderde independencifche Kerk, ghelijk Dy de Herder: maar hoe wel ik geern zach Reformatie van veel gebreeken in onse Kerk, waar toe ik ’t mijne eenigsins heb getracht te doen, in de Kerk ende Kerken raadt van Sluys, ende in de Classis van Walcheren, oor deelende ook, onder veele pointen, niet van de minste te zijn, de Reformatie ontrent ’t gebruyk der Formulierem ende Feestdagen, en ontrent d’aanmatiging van de Kerkelijke macht door de Overheden; Zoo acht ik het toch geen middel tot Reformatie, de Kerk te verlaaten, te verdeylen, ende te scheuren, en een nieuwe afgezonderde op haar zelven op te richten; En nu zal voor de ooghen van alle blijken, dat hoe wel de Gemeinte van Sluys, in haar beste leden, my zoo uitnemende genegen en aankle vende is, ik nochtans niemandt van haar, noch eenighe andere zal achter my aftrecken, om de Gemeinschap met de Kerk, hoe wel zeer desolaat ende Laodiceisch ende geesteloos gestelt, te verlaaten, gelijk ook publijkelijk en priyatelijk haar altijdt tegen de afscheyding gheleert heb. Hoewel ik ook dar verklaaren will, dat ik niet zal nalaaten, zoo lang ik leve, als een Leeraar ende gezante Christi, ende Dienaar des Euangeliums te arbeyden, tot voortzetting van’t Koninkrijk, ende van’t woort des Koninkrijks van mijn Heer, ende Meester, ’t zy publijklijk in de Kerk, als my gelegentheidt zal aangeboden worden, t’zy privatelijk in mijn eygen huys ofte elders; nademaal ik van den Heere Jesus gestelt ende gezonden ben, ende commissie ontsangen heb, om het woordt der verzoening voor de werelde te draghen, ende de menschen te bidden, en te bewegen tot het geloove; ende hy my gelast heeft, te prediken het Woordt, aan te houden tijdelijk, ontijdelijk te Euangelizceren, mijn gaven ende talenten niet te verzuymen, {xviii} maar op te wekken, aan te leggen ende te besteden, als een goedt ende getrouw uitdeelder, tot de meeste nutte ende stichting. 2 Tim. 4. v. 2. 1 Cor. 9. v. 16. 17. 2 Cor. 5. v. 11. 18. 19. 20. Rom. 12. v. 6. 7. 8. 1 Pet. 4. v. 10. 11. 1 Cor. 12. v. 7. 8. 10. 28. 1 Tim. 4. v. 14. 2 Tim. 1. v. 6. Matth. 25 v. 26. 27, Overmits de geweldige proceduuren der Overheden, door welcke al’t recht van de Kerk gsfchonden wordt, my niet en kunnen berooven van mijn zending, die ik van den Heere gekregen heb. Indien jemant dit mijn doen verkeerdelijk zal willen uitkrijten, ende lafteren als scheuring, deze mijne verklaaring, ende daadelijke praktijke zal er tegen zijn, ende tot verzekering van dien ondertekene ik dit met mijn eyghen handt voor de ooghen des genen, die herten en nieren beproeft, ende stelle het tot een getuigenis.


Finally. I testify and declare that I am an enemy of any separation or schism in the Church of the Netherlands, and that I will never in my life lend a hand or advice to such a thing. My enemies, both ecclesiastical and political, have sought to slander and blacken my name with this, inciting the higher authorities against me by saying that I am doing this to cause division in the Church, following the example of Dr. de Labadie, or to establish a separate, independent Church, like Rev. de Herder. However, although I earnestly desire the reformation of many shortcomings in our Church – to which I have sought to contribute in the Church and consistory of Sluys and in the Classis of Walcheren, and, among many points, considering the reformation concerning the use of forms and feast days and the usurpation of ecclesiastical power by the authorities to not be the least among these – I do not believe that leaving, dividing, or splitting the Church and establishing a new, separate Church is the way to achieve reformation. Now it will be evident to all that, although the congregation of Sluys, in its best members, is so exceedingly kind and attached to me, I will nevertheless not pull any of them or anyone else down after me to abandon fellowship with the Church, however desolate, Laodicean, and spiritually lifeless it may be, as I have always taught them, both publicly and privately, against separation. Although I also want to declare that I will not neglect, as long as I live, to labour as a minister and ambassador of Christ and a servant of the Gospel for the advancement of the Kingdom and the Word of the Kingdom of my Lord and Master, whether publicly in the Church, if I am presented with the opportunity, or privately in my own house or elsewhere. For I have been appointed and sent by the Lord Jesus, and have received a commission to carry the word of reconciliation to the world, and to urge and persuade people to believe. He has commanded me to preach the Word, to continue to evangelise in season, out of season, and not to neglect my gifts and talents but to stir them up, to use them and to spend them as a good and faithful steward, for the greatest benefit and edification (2 Timothy 4:2; 1 Corinthians 9:16-17; 2 Corinthians 5:11, 18-20; Romans 12:6-8; 1 Peter 4:10-11; 1 Corinthians 12:7-8, 10, 28; 1 Timothy 4:14; 2 Timothy 1:6; Matthew 25:26-27), since the forceful proceedings, by which all authority of the Church is violated, cannot deprive me of my mission, which I have received from the Lord. If anyone should falsely decry and slander my actions as schismatic, this declaration and my actual practice will stand against it. To ensure this, I sign this with my own hand before the eyes of Him who searches hearts and minds, and I present it as a testimony.

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by claiming that I aim to cause division
by saying that I am doing this to cause division
Dr. de Labadie
I wonder if this should be "Rev. de Labadie" or, more directly, "Ds. de Labadie", if that is intelligible in English. In Afrikaans, and I presume in Dutch, the minister is referred to as "Dominee", abbreviated to "Ds", from the Latin "Dominus".
Mr. de Herder
Likely also "Rev./Ds de Herder" [I see a Brakel mentions both these men in his Christian's reasonable service]
and among many points, I consider the reformation
and, among many points, considering the reformation
to be among the most important
to not be the least among these
and affectionate towards
and attached to
I will nevertheless not draw anyone away from it or any other congregation
I will nevertheless not pull any of them or anyone else down after me
it may be. I have
it may be, as I have
I will not cease
I will not neglect
as opportunity is given to me
if I am presented with the opportunity
to be instant in season, out of season to evangelise
to continue to evangelise in season, out of season
to invest them
to spend them
Matthew 25:26-27). The violent proceedings of the authorities, by which all the privileges of
Matthew 25:26-27), since the forceful proceedings, by which all authority of
To confirm this
To ensure this
I wonder if this should be "Rev. de Labadie" or, more directly, "Ds. de Labadie", if that is intelligible in English. In Afrikaans, and I presume in Dutch, the minister is referred to as "Dominee", abbreviated to "Ds", from the Latin "Dominus".

Likely also "Rev./Ds de Herder" [I see a Brakel mentions both these men in his Christian's reasonable service]

Labadie was a professor so I was thinking Dr. is appropriate for him. I wasn't sure if Koelman would acknowledge de Herder as a true minister, but now that you mention a Brakel I recall he held them in high esteem. I looked up Spijker's biography (from the previous thread linked by Chris) and he says Koelman was similar to a Brakel. So "Rev." will fit.

Between the two threads I think we can see the full narrative of events and the true character of the man. Thankyou very much for all your help, as well as to Bert and Klaas.

If I continued with the rest of the book would you be able to continue giving corrections?
Labadie was a professor so I was thinking Dr. is appropriate for him. I wasn't sure if Koelman would acknowledge de Herder as a true minister, but now that you mention a Brakel I recall he held them in high esteem. I looked up Spijker's biography (from the previous thread linked by Chris) and he says Koelman was similar to a Brakel. So "Rev." will fit.

Between the two threads I think we can see the full narrative of events and the true character of the man. Thankyou very much for all your help, as well as to Bert and Klaas.

If I continued with the rest of the book would you be able to continue giving corrections?
Yes, I can do a little bit at a time, as I have done so far.
The next portion is the Sermon on Gal. 4:9-11.

{1} REFORMATIE Nodigh ontrent de FEESTDAGEN, Dertoont in een PREDIKATIE, Gedaan den 26 December 1672.

REFORMATION Necessary concerning the FEAST DAYS, Presented in a SERMON, Delivered on December 26, 1672.

Over GALAT. IV: Vers. 9, 10, 11. En nu als gy Godt kent, ja veel meer van Godt gekent zijt, hoe keert gy u wederom tot de zwakke en arme eerfte beginselen, welke gy wederom van vooren aan wilt dienen? Gy onderhoudt Dagen, ende Maanden, ende Tyden, ende Jaren. Ik vreeze voor u, dat ik niet enigsins te vergeess aan u gearbeydt en hebbe.

On Galatians 4:9-11, “But now that ye have come to know God, or rather to be known by God, how is it that ye turn back again to the weak and beggarly elements, to which ye desire again to be in bondage? Ye observe Days, and Months, and Times, and Years. I fear for you, that I may have laboured over you in vain.

Geliesde in den Heere.

Beloved in the Lord.

Wij zijn hier nu voor’t aangezichte Godts gekomen / om de publijke Gods-diensten waar te nemen / en te betrachten, Doch wij dienen wel te weten / en te bedenken / waarom / en uit wat gronten beweeghreden wij juist nu, en in zulken completen getal nu gekomen zijn / elk brage dat eens zijn eigen herte; want het heeft zijn nuttigheidt. Dit is {2} zeker. De heer / tot wien wij naderen / vraagt een ijder van ons / wat ons aandrijft / om heden ons dagelijks werk te laten staan / en tot de Predikatie te komen? En dit zou droebigh en beschaamt-makende zijn / indien my geen goede en welgegronde reden konden geven; waarom wij nu voor zijn aangezicht zoo plechtelijk / even als op een Rustdagh / verschijnen. Ik vzage dan noch / Geliefde, wat is het / dat u zoo aanzet / om ten dezen dage zoo bijzonderlijk te komen toeloopen / tot de bediening des Woordts? Antwoordt in uw hert / en voor Gods aangezicht. Bij zult niet kunnen zeggen / dat het is zuiverlijk de liefde tot het Woordt / en tot des Heeren dienst: Want die is niet meer aan dezen dagh gebonden / dan aan eenigen anderen werkendag; waarom zoudt gij dan op dezen Maandagh meer ter kerke komen / dan op verleden Maandag / en op den volgenden Maandag? Het en is niet om dat’er gep zeekt wozdt: Want op andere dagen wordt ’er ook in de Week gepreekt; en dan komen bele van ulieden zelden ofte nooit; ja (a) alle dagen wordt het Woordt des Heeren alhier onder ons verkondigt / en de Gebeden worden gestorter / en Gods Lof wordt ges zongen / nochtans bent gij nooit in zulken getale als dan / hier te zamen; dit en kan dan de reden niet wezen; laat ons dan recht uit spreken / en in eenvoudigheidt / zonder omwegen te gebruiken; want onze Conscientij zal het ons ras zeggen? Het is om dat het is den tweden genaamden Kersdag, en daar is een oude gewoonte in ons Landt / dat men dan gelijk op den eersten zijn Winkels sluyt / zijn arbeydt nalaat / en ter Predikatie komt / en dat erpres om te hooren van zulke Materien / en uit zulke Texten prehen / gelijk aan zulke dagen van outs af gebonden zijn.

(a) Dit zijn, Leezer, H. Morgen-oeffeningen, ettelyke jaren herwaarts in deze Gemeinte betracht, en met veel vrucht, door des Heeren zegen.

We have come here now before the face of God to observe and perform the public worship service. Yet it would serve us well to know and consider why, on which grounds, and for what reasons we have come here at this very moment and in such a complete number, each bringing it for once before his own heart, for it has its usefulness. This is certain: the Lord, to whom we draw near, asks each of us what drives us to leave our daily work today and come to the sermon. And it would be sorrowful and shameful if we could not give good and well-founded reasons for why we now appear before His face so solemnly, as if on a Sabbath day. I ask again, beloved, what is it that compels you to come and congregate so extraordinarily to the ministry of the Word on this day? Answer in your heart and before the face of God. You cannot say that it is purely the love for the Word and for the Lord’s worship, for that is no more bound to this day than to any other workday. Why, then, would you rather come to church on this Monday than on last Monday or the following Monday? It is not because there is preaching, for on other days there is also preaching during the week, and then many of you seldom or never come. Indeed, (a) on all days the Word of the Lord is proclaimed here among us, prayers are poured out, and God's praise is sung. Yet you are never in such numbers as are gathered here. This, then, cannot be the reason. Let us speak plainly and in simplicity, without using roundabout ways, for our conscience will quickly tell us: it is because it is the second day of Christmas, and there is an old custom in our country that on this day, as on the first, everyone closes their shops, leaves their work, and comes to the sermon, and that expressly to hear such matters and preach from such texts as have been traditionally tied to such days.

(a) These, reader, are morning devotions that have been performed in this congregation for several years now, and with much fruit, by the blessing of the Lord.
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The next portion is the Sermon on Gal. 4:9-11.

{1} REFORMATIE Nodigh ontrent de FEESTDAGEN, Dertoont in een PREDIKATIE, Gedaan den 26 December 1672.

R this congregation for several years now, and with much fruit, by the blessing of the Lord.
Refresher. Is this date before Koelman's suspension? It would appear he is not refusing to preaching on the traditional day, but he is doing so with an anti-holiday sermon.
Refresher. Is this date before Koelman's suspension? It would appear he is not refusing to preaching on the traditional day, but he is doing so with an anti-holiday sermon.

Before. The first post in this thread refers to the sermon at the beginning of his narrative of events. It is what set everything in motion from his perspective.

Yes, he made use of the day. But the footnote observes he conducted morning devotions every day.
We have now come here
We have come here now [better English phrasing]
attend to the public worship services
perform the public worship service
we ought to know
it would serve us well to know
why and for what reasons
why, on which grounds, and for what reasons
number. Let each one examine his own heart
number, each bringing it for once before his own heart
to come running so particularly
to come and congregate so extraordinarily
Lord’s service
Lord's worship/worship of the Lord
would you come to church more on this Monday
would you rather come to church on this Monday
and then few or none of you come.
and then many of you seldom or never come.
every day
on all days
prayers are offered
prayers are poured out
, and the praise of God is sung
, and God's praise is sung
never gathered here in such numbers as today
never in such numbers as are gathered here
in our land
can also be "in our country"
one closes his shops
everyone closes their shops
leaves his work
leaves their work
and from such texts
and preach from such texts
assigned to such days.
tied to such days
practised in this congregation
performed in this congregation
I had to do a lot of work on this paragraph in correcting the OCR. There was some difficulty in deciphering a couple of words in the old German font, I but am fairly confident in the accuracy of the text, and AI has given a sensible translation. But if something seems out of place I might have to go back and correct the original text.

Doch of wij in dezen wel doen / en Gode behaaglijk zijn / dienden wij wel te onderzoeken; zou de Heere die reden vooz goedt houden / en u daar over prijzen? Gelooft gy dat de {3} Heere in die reden / en grondt van uw doen / een welgeballen heeft? Zwijmt dit / en gelijkt dit niet na ’t Pausdom / bij het welke deze dagen voor heylige Dagen gehouden worden / en voor Feestdagen / die zij stellen niet alleen beneffens / maar ook boven den Dagh des Heeren / en op welke zy verbieden te werken? Is niet de Leere onzer Kerke / dat’er geen Feestdagen zijn onder’t N. Testament; en dat de kerke geen macht heeft / om jaarlijksche Feestdagen in te stellens dat ook niemant de menschelijke Feestagen houden ofte heyligen maet / alzoo zij in Gods herte niet zijn opgekomen / maar alleen een verdichte vond van menschen / die Godts Gebodt te niete doen met hare inzettingen? En verwerpen my niet in dezen de Leere van ’t Pausdom / beroordeelen haar doen / en twistredenen tegen haar? Hoe komt dan dit ons doen met onze Belijdenis over een? Waarom voegen top ons na haar / zonderende die dagen af tot den Gods-dienst / predikende dan van zulke Zaken en Certen die zy aan die dagen gebonden hebben? En komende tot die Predikatien / als des Rustdags. Is hier niet ten minsten een schijn des quaadts? Worden hier door niet in haar dwaling gestijft / die buiten ons zijn? En de kleynwetende onder ons in die gedachten gebracht / en gehouden dat die dagen wat zonderlings in hebben / dat men dan zoude moeten zijn werk neerleggen / zoo wel als op den Rustdag? Zekerlijk hier outrent diende Reformatie te komen.

However, whether we are acting rightly in this matter and are pleasing to God, it would serve us well to examine. Would the Lord consider this reasoning valid and praise you for it? Do you believe that the Lord is pleased with the reasoning and basis of your actions? Does this not suggest of and bear semblance to the Papacy, in which such days are regarded as holy and feast days, which they place not only alongside but also above the Lord’s Day, and on which they forbid labouring? Is not the doctrine of our Church that there are no feast days under the New Testament, and that the Church has no authority to establish annual feast days? Moreover, that no one may observe or sanctify man-derived feast days, since they did not come into God’s mind but are merely invented by men, who nullify God’s commandments with their statutes? And do I not, in this matter, reject the doctrine of the Papacy, condemn its practices, and argue against it? How then does our conduct align with our confession? Why do we conform to their practices by setting apart these days for worship, preaching on them about such matters and ceremonies that they have tied to these days? And when it comes to the preaching, as on the Sabbath, is there not at least an appearance of evil? Are those outside of us not strengthened in their error by this? And are the less knowledgeable among us not led to and sustained in the belief that these days have something special about them, that one ought to lay aside one's work on them just as on the Sabbath? Surely reformation is to be expected in this regard.
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diende Reformatie te komen.

we ought to carefully examine
it would serve us well to examine
Does this not seem similar to the practices of the Papacy
Does this not suggest of and bear semblance to the Papacy?
, where certain days are
, in which such days are
, which they not only place alongside but even above
, which they place not only alongside but also above
forbid work
forbid labouring
Is it not the doctrine
Is not the doctrine
no one should
no one may
humanly instituted
since they have not originated in God’s heart
since they did not enter/come into God's mind ["in Gods herte niet zijn opgekomen" is the language used in Jeremiah 19:5]
but are merely invented by men
The gist seems correct, but I do not understand the literal meaning of "maar alleen een verdichte vond van menschen"; do you understand this, @Claes Jacob Heijndericksz ?
their traditions
their statutes
Why do we conform to their practices
Once again, the gist seems right, but perhaps @Claes Jacob Heijndericksz can assist with "Waarom voegen top ons na haar" as well.
preaching on matters
preaching on them about such matters
such preaching
the preaching
outside our community
literally "outside of us"; I will leave you to judge whether the more literal translation is preferable.
led to believe
led to and sustained in the belief
one ought to cease work
one ought to lay aside one's work
Truly, reformation is needed in this regard.
Surely reformation ought to come/is to be expected in this regard [perhaps your translation adequately captures this]