Because of delays you can still sign up to sponsor the Naphtali Press Special Editions 2019-20 inaugural series year and get all three of the proposed titles (which are all going to print over the next months). Reformation Heritage Books will be doing the printing and distributing (except for sponsor copies), but we still require sponsors to help get projects financed; printing is the lesser cost in actuality. Durham on Revelation v1 (of 3 projected) is in a "for good measure" final proof reading by another set of eyes, I've been indexing the scripture references for Jus Divinum Regiminis Ecclesiastici, and then after JDRE is proofed, will see about getting David Dickson's 1628 manuscript sermons on Lamentations finalized. And I thought 2019 was a tough year! 2020 has not slacken a bit. The more sponsors we get the more complex projects we can do. I have an exciting translation project to propose for 2020-21 but it will require us at least doubling the 55 current sponsors we have for 2019-20 if not tripling. So stay tuned; as soon as the three volumes noted are in my out basket it will be time to seek sponsorships for 2020-21.
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