Let Him Kiss Me

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Andrew P.C.

Puritan Board Junior
"Thy marriage union with the law has been an unjust yoke, for through thy guilty weakness the holy, just, and good commandment has become to thee as a hard taskmaster; righteously requiring thee to run its heavenward race when thou hast fallen, and canst not move—to bear its weighty burden when thou art already sick unto death. But Jesus interposes,—Come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, take up my yoke, for my yoke is easy. Great as the disparity may appear, His is no unjust yoke, for he is thy glorious and perfect counterpart; all sin, all weakness, all death in thee—all righteousness, all strength, all life in Him. Leave thou, then, both the covenant command and the covenant curse of the law, and say thou, ‘Let him kiss me with the kisses of his mouth.’"

A. Moody Stuart, The Song of Songs: An Exposition of the Song of Solomon, pg. 97-98 (Song 1:2)
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