Puritan Board Junior
Hey all. Was going through the list of Lyons "Non-Conformists" and came across this gentleman by the name of Enoch Grey (Congregationalist.) It looks like he has written a edifying little book entitled Vox Coeli (or The Voice from Heaven) which is dealing with what place government has in the life of the church, what type of governments we should strive for as Christians, and the limits of government to impose or order the affiars of the church. I know for some that is a popular topic right now, especially coming off the heels of the COVID ordeal. So, just thought I would drop a link to those interested. Wish I could give more info on the author, but have not been able to find him listed anywhere other than Lyons Non-Conformists as of yet. The link is below.
Vox cœli, containing maxims of pious policy: wherein severall cases of conscience are briefly discussed; as I. In what subject the supream power of a nation doth reside. II. What is the extent of that power, and in what causes it doth appear, with the due restrictions and limitations thereof according to the Gospell. III. What obedience is due unto that power from all persons, superiour and inferiour, with other cases of great weight, very necessary to reconcile our late differences judiciously stated and impartially ballanced in the scale of the sanctuary. / By Enoch Grey minist: |