The Evangelical Presbyterian Church of England and Wales (EPCEW) is holding a conference in London. Presbyterianism is strong in Scotland and Northern Ireland, but very small in England and Wales. The bulk of English presbyterian churches joined the United Reformed Church several decades ago - now a very liberal denomination. This is an important conference in terms of the development of the denomination's future.
Conference aims are:
To present biblical and warm-hearted Presbyterianism. This day will provide a window through which people can learn more of EPCEW.
To foster and develop our church planting contacts with a view to seeing new churches planted in the years ahead.
To be a rallying point for our church members as well as our office bearers.
Date: Saturday 20th October, 2012
Venue: Regent Hall, 275 Oxford Street, London W1C 2DJ
Time: 11.00am for 11:30am until 4.00pm.
11.30am Introduction
11.40am "Building Christ's Church"
Dr. Robert Letham
12.25pm "The Challenges and Opportunities of Church Planting"
Dr. Kevin Bidwell
1.00-1.45pm Lunch
1.45-2.35pm "Thus Far has the Lord Led Us: A Historical Review of the Last 25 Years"
Rev. Brian Norton
Followed by an opportunity for open questions.
2.35-3.05pm A Time of Prayer
Led by Rev. Andy Young and Rev. Bill Schweitzer
3.10-3.55pm "Warm Hearted Presbyterianism"
Rev. Ian Hamilton
If anyone is able to publicise this event on other sites, the EPCEW would be most grateful.
Conference aims are:
To present biblical and warm-hearted Presbyterianism. This day will provide a window through which people can learn more of EPCEW.
To foster and develop our church planting contacts with a view to seeing new churches planted in the years ahead.
To be a rallying point for our church members as well as our office bearers.
Date: Saturday 20th October, 2012
Venue: Regent Hall, 275 Oxford Street, London W1C 2DJ
Time: 11.00am for 11:30am until 4.00pm.
11.30am Introduction
11.40am "Building Christ's Church"
Dr. Robert Letham
12.25pm "The Challenges and Opportunities of Church Planting"
Dr. Kevin Bidwell
1.00-1.45pm Lunch
1.45-2.35pm "Thus Far has the Lord Led Us: A Historical Review of the Last 25 Years"
Rev. Brian Norton
Followed by an opportunity for open questions.
2.35-3.05pm A Time of Prayer
Led by Rev. Andy Young and Rev. Bill Schweitzer
3.10-3.55pm "Warm Hearted Presbyterianism"
Rev. Ian Hamilton
If anyone is able to publicise this event on other sites, the EPCEW would be most grateful.