Looking For Evangelistic Resource Recommendations

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I have a good, unbelieving childhood friend in another city who comes from a Christianish background, and is struggling with sin and it’s effects. For example seeking help for addiction. He’s hurting and knows it, but only knows the world’s ways—or those of so-called “Christianity” of the seeker or pop-psychology type.

I think he may be willing to watch or read some things from me, but I don’t know what to give.

Any suggestions?
We actually just published an excellent resource. It is by Geof Thomas. The title has been really well-received.

The ToC:

You Could Have It All!
1. You Could Know God
2. You Could Know Yourself
3. You Could Have All Your Sins Forgiven
4. You Could Become a Child of God
5. You Could Experience All Things Working Together for Your Good
6. You Could Learn Contentment in Every Circumstance
7. You Could Become an Incomparably Stronger and Wiser Person
8. You Could Know the Purpose of Life
9. You Could Belong to the Best and Happiest People on Earth
10. You Could Have the Assurance That the Living God Will Welcome You When You Die

Geoffrey Thomas. You Could Have It All (Kindle Locations 32-41). Reformation Heritage Books. Kindle Edition.

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