Looking for Latin Grammar

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Puritan Board Junior
I'm looking for a comprehensive Latin grammar along the lines of Wallace's Greek Grammar Beyond the Basics. In other words, I'm not looking for a book that proceeds lesson by lesson teaching Latin; I have those. I'm looking for a systematic, topical treatment of the language. Any suggestions?
Thanks, everyone. I already read Latin pretty well. I was looking for a reference grammar to clear up some things I might have missed or to help work through difficult material. I'm intrigued by Wilson; looks like a handy reference. I found something I'm happy with for now - New Latin Grammar by Allen and Greenough, available for free from Textkit .
I am reading through Simplicissimus. It's a free online course in Ecclesiastical Latin. The downside is, they make you read a bunch of idolatrous garbage from the Mass. Then again, I guess this isn't what you're asking for since I doubt this is a 'comprehensive latin grammar.'
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