Looking for the quote & source

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Puritan Board Senior
Greetings PB brethren,

I'm vaguely remembering a quote from (I think) a Puritan who was preaching before one of the kings. John Knox is sticking in my head, but I'm not sure and I haven't been able to track it down!

It went something like this: "There are two kingdoms, your Majesty's, and Christ's, and of the second, your Majesty has no rule or authority whatsoever."

Does that ring any bells for any of you?

Thanks in advance. Grace to you all.
[Andrew Melville] made this statement to King James VI of Scotland, later to become King James I of England.

"Sirrah, ye are God's silly vassal; there are two kings and two kingdoms in Scotland: there is king James, the head of the commonwealth; and there is Christ Jesus, the king of the Church, whose subject James the Sixth is, and of whose kingdom he is not a king, not a lord, not a head, but a member." (The last twelve words are sometimes rendered as "not a king, nor a head, nor a lord, but a member".1

1. ^ David Mitchell, The History of Montrose (1866), p42

source: Andrew Melville - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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