Love Not The World.

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Blueridge Believer

Puritan Board Professor
The world's golden sands!

(Thomas Watson, "The Lord's Prayer")

"Do not love the world or anything in the world.
If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father
is not in him." 1 John 2:15

If you would not fall short of the kingdom of heaven,
take heed of worldly-mindedness. A covetous spirit
chokes holy affections, as the earth puts out the fire.

"The riches of the world, are the snares of the devil!"

Riches are golden snares! If a man were to climb up a
steep rock, and had weights tied to his legs--it would
hinder him in his ascent. Just so, many golden weights
will hinder us from climbing up the steep rock which
leads to heaven.

The world is no friend to grace. The more the babe
sucks--the weaker the mother is. Just so, the more
the world sucks--the weaker our grace is.

Had a man a monopoly of all the wealth of the world;
could he heap up riches to the stars--yet his heart
would not be filled. Covetousness is never satisfied.
Joshua could stop the course of the sun--but could not
stop Achan in his covetous pursuit of the wedge of gold.
He whose heart is locked up in his chest, will be locked
out of heaven!

Some ships which have escaped the rocks--have
been wrecked upon the sands. Just so, many who
have escaped gross sins--have been wrecked upon
the world's golden sands!
The prosperity of the wicked

(Thomas Watson, "The Lord's Prayer")

"I envied the arrogant when I saw the prosperity
of the wicked. This is what the wicked are like--
always carefree, they increase in wealth. Surely
in vain have I kept my heart pure; in vain have
I washed my hands in innocence."
Psalm 73:3, 12-13

The children of God have little cause to envy the
prosperity of the wicked. They may have all they
can desire; nay, they may have "more than heart
can wish." Psalm 73:7. They steep themselves in
pleasure! "They sing to the music of tambourine
and harp; they make merry to the sound of the
flute." Job 21:12. The wicked are high--when
God's people are low in the world.

The goats scramble up the mountains of prosperity;
when Christ's sheep are below in the valley of tears!
The wicked are clothed in purple; while the godly
are in sackcloth. The prosperity of the wicked is
a great stumbling block. But there is no cause of
envy them, if we consider two things:

First--that this is all they have! "Son, remember
that you in your lifetime received your good things"
--you had all your heaven here.

Secondly--that God has laid up better things for
His children. He has prepared a kingdom of glory for
them! They shall have the beatific vision; they shall
be crowned with the pleasures of paradise forever!
Oh, then do not envy the fleeting prosperity of the

The wicked go through a pleasant way--to execution!
The godly go through a foul way--to coronation!

See how happy all the saints are at death! They go
to a kingdom! They shall see God's face, which shines
ten thousand times brighter than the sun in its meridian
glory. The godly at death shall be installed into their
honor, and have the royal crown set upon their head.
They have in the kingdom of heaven--the quintessence
of all delights. They shall lie in Christ's bosom, that bed
of spices.

There is such a pleasant variety in the happiness of heaven,
that after millions of years it will be as fresh and desirable
as the first hour's enjoyment! In the kingdom of heaven,
the saints are crowned with all those perfections which they
are capable of. The desires of the glorified saints are infinitely
satisfied; there is nothing absent which they could wish might
be enjoyed; there is nothing present which they could wish
might be removed.

In the kingdom of heaven there is . . .
knowledge without ignorance,
holiness without sin,
beauty without blemish,
strength without weakness,
light without darkness,
riches without poverty,
ease without pain,
liberty without restraint,
rest without labor,
joy without sorrow,
love without hatred,
plenty without surfeit,
honor without disgrace,
health without sickness,
peace without discord,
contentment without cessation,
glory in its highest elevation!
Oh, the happiness of those who die in the
Lord! They go into this blessed kingdom!
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