Marcus Friedrich Wendelin's "Christian Theology"

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Wendelin whets our appetite for his study of the Doctrine of the Trinity!

The third and final installment from Wendelin on the Doctrine of the Trinity is just days away now...
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WSC 6: There are three persons in the Godhead; the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost; and these three are one God, the same in substance, equal in power and glory.

Wendelin continues his exploration of the mystery...

Wendelin's treatment of the Doctrine of the logical, so now available for the first time in English! in its entirety! free and online!

Wendelin whets our appetite for his study on the Doctrine of Election!

Have a look...

In preparation of his treatment of the Doctrine of Election, Wendelin discusses the Divine Decree, and the theological vocabulary surrounding predestination.


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Wendelin argues the Doctrine of Election from Scripture, deliberately, logically, carefully...

Wendelin defends the Infralapsarian position.


For the first time in English...

Wendelin's treatment of the Doctrine of Election is now available in its entirety! free and online!

Wendelin now turns his consummately logical mind to the Doctrine of Reprobation...

Structural note: Wendelin separates the Doctrine of Reprobation from Election, giving the former a distinctive treatment...perhaps because of his polemical context with the Lutherans...


Post-Reformation Lutheranism assailed the Reformed Doctrine of Predestination, especially with respect to Reprobation.

Wendelin, a German Reformed theologian, defends the doctrine of his church, reasoning from the Scriptures

Wendelin previews for us his study on the Doctrine of Creation!

So interesting...

Before the rise of evolutionary science, the six days of creation were understood as six literal days, strongly suggesting this to be the natural reading of the text.

We must beware of allowing alien philosophical systems to control Biblical interpretation...

Before the rise of evolutionary science, the six days of creation were understood as six literal days, strongly suggesting this to be the natural reading of the text.

We must beware of allowing alien philosophical systems to control Biblical interpretation...

"II. In this series of created things, the learned observe God’s: ... (2.) Power. In that the plants, herbs, and trees were created before the stars, upon which the production of the plants subsequently depends."

I love this. Whenever any questioning student of mine asks how could God create trees before the sun, it is amazing how unironic they ask it. Amazing how weak our mental faculties are in allowing one omnipotent act but not any others. And amazing how quickly some resort to creating imaginary timeframes instead of worshipping at the power of God who creates anything He wills in whatever order He wills during whatever time He declares.
Wendelin presents a "Reformed Angelology"!

Wendelin's rigorous logical method is always intellectually compelling!

Here, he whets our appetite for his treatment of Divine Providence...

Westminster Confession of Faith 5:1: God the great Creator of all things doth uphold, direct, dispose, and govern all creatures, actions, and things, from the greatest even to the least, by His most wise and holy providence, according to His infallible foreknowledge, and the free and immutable counsel of His own will, to the praise of the glory of His wisdom, power, justice, goodness, and mercy.

If God is sovereign over all things, is He then the author of sin?

Wendelin affirms the former, and denies the latter, in his meticulous treatment of the arguments involved.

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Wendelin's treatment of the Doctrine of Scripture is now complete with supplementary lectures.

If God's Providence is Immutable, is man truly free?

Wendelin explores this thorny issue...

Having treated the Doctrine of Providence in general...

Wendelin whets our appetite for his more particular treatment of God's government of rational creatures!

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