Paedo-Baptism Answers Mark Hogan - Moving from Paedo to Credo Questions

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Hi Samuel,
Sorry for the delayed response but I wanted to post a link to a sermon that might be helpful. It mainly deals with what’s “new” about the NC but specifically addresses the issue of non-believers partaking in the blessings of Christ. The sermon was delivered last Sunday evening at Reformation OPC in Apache Junction, AZ (right in your backyard). Pastor Joel Ellis, along with the church he ministers at, just recently came into in the OPC. He’s an extremely gifted preacher as you will see if if have time to listen. His background is calvanistic baptist so he is very familiar with that perspective. I hope it is a blessing to you as it was for me.
Thanks, I listened to this and found it helpful. Will have to think on it a bit more.
It's not just Baptists that do this but many Christians (and some Presbyterians) mis-apprehend Paul's theology in Galatians and elsewhere about the Covenant.

Attmpts to see Abraham's promises or the sign of circumcision as solely physical or national miss Paul's point entirely. Those who argue in such ways actually find thmselves agreeing with the Judaizers on the basic nature of Agraham's promise and stand against Paul.
Rich, do you know of any commentaries on the book of Galations that are partcularly helpful on this point?
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