Matthew Poole on Chronicles

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Long before there was a King in Israel, Edom boasted mighty monarchs! It would be well for the present rulers of the world to consider, "Where are they now?"

Poole presents the line of the Kings...

No sooner do men begin to multiply upon the earth, than some men begin to attempt to control, to dominate, to oppress the multitude. As it was in the beginning, so it is now...

See "Nimrod the Mighty" in the "Comments" section...

No sooner do men begin to multiply upon the earth, than some men begin to attempt to control, to dominate, to oppress the multitude. As it was in the beginning, so it is now...

See "Nimrod the Mighty, Part 2" in the "Comments" section...

The evil influence of Mizraim/Egypt upon the Ludim is full of practical lessons. Let us spend our time with those that help us most in our spiritual pilgrimage.

See "The Sons of Ham, Part 7" in the "Comments".

Mizraim was the father of many peoples and nations, something that he and his offspring no doubt valued. Everywhere in the Scripture, God characterizes children as a blessing, but does our culture value children?

See "The Sons of Ham, Part 8"

For 500 years the people of God struggled with the Philistines, mighty enemies. The Christian pilgrimage remains a warfare. Let us improve the present battle, to prepare for future conflict...

See the Sermon, "The Philistines", in the "Comments".

In ancient times, the Canaanites were devoted by the Lord to destruction, for the glory of His justice. Is this just a history about a people in times past? or does it have lessons for the American people in present hour?

Sermon: "The Devoted Nations, Part 1" (in the Comments)

The modern world is not the first to think of placing constitutional limitations upon rulers. It appears that it occurred to the Edomites in the Fifteenth Century BC...

Poole explores...

The Bible is full of difficult things. There is much to learn when we take an unflinching look at these difficulties, seeking to explain...rather than explain away. One such difficulty: God's total war against the Canaanites. What can we learn?

See "The Devoted Nations, Part 2" in the Comments...

Where did the ancient myths come from? Euhemerus answered, that the myths were grounded in real history. Christian Euhemerists, from the first spread of Christianity into the world, asserted that the Bible provided the root history, but that the history was perverted by idolatry and linguistically at Babel. Can this idea be sustained? What are its implications?

See "Messenger of the Gods" in the Comments section...

After the Babylonian Captivity, one of the great questions for the returning Jews would have been, "Who has the right to rule?" Consequently, there is a lot of space given to the genealogy of Judah and the Davidic Kings in the early chapters of 1 Chronicles.

Poole provides an outline for 1 Chronicles 2...

The Hittites, and the Anakim in their midst, were giants, of such power and ferocity that the Israelites spies feared to face them in battle.

The enemies that currently face God's people are certainly no less powerful, fierce, and cunning. Will we be of those that advance against them in faith? or fall back in fear? May God be our help.

See the Sermon, "The Hittites", in the "Comments"...

Just as the physical battle with the Jebusites was protracted, with victories and set backs; so it is in our struggle against sin.

See the Sermon "The Devoted Nations, Part 6", in the "Comments"...

Let us continue our studies in 1 Chronicles with some consideration of the Amorites, their history, and some spiritual lessons gleaned...

See the Sermon, "The Devoted Nations, Part 4", in the "Comments"...

Nations and people groups rise and fall, but God's people abide by His grace and power...

See the Sermon: "Forgotten Tribes" (in the "Comments" section).

Who was Shem? and what lessons can we glean from his long life?

See the Sermon, "The Shem of History", in the "Comments"...

"The personal character of several of [the sons of Jacob] was none of the best, and yet the covenant was entailed on their seed; for it was of grace, free grace." -Matthew Henry

The Chronicler re-focuses his genealogy on the people of God...

The genealogy has been augmented with Poole's "Synopsis" on the Genesis account of the birth and naming of the sons of Israel (in the "Comments").

The genealogy narrows, to focus on the line of our blessed Jesus!

Biblical Genealogy is important for locating the Christ.

As the sons of Judah multiplied, the Messianic promise passed into the family of David, the royal line...

The History of Nations teaches us that they rise and fall. Impenitent nations, refusing subjection to King Jesus, ultimately face Him in the judgment. Given the waywardness of our nation, how should we evaluate our circumstances? How should we then live?

See "The Sons of Shem, Part 1" in the "Comments".

The Nimrod of myth and history...

Sermon: "Nimrod the Mighty (Revisited)" (in the Comments).

Let us consider the ways of the Lord with the nation and peoples of the earth.

See "The Sons of Shem, Part 2" in the "Comments".

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