Travis Fentiman
Puritan Board Sophomore
In extra-ordinary circumstances where a sacrament may not be performed in the exact way that Christ prescribed, ought a church to forego the sacrament (or that part of it) or ought principled accommodations be made which keep the essential, spiritual principles of the sacrament?
In the Reformation and puritan era, the Lutherans (the Biblicists of their day) answered the former; those Churches reformed according to the Word of God: the latter.
This new page documents this in detail. The Intro will walk you through the issues and show you from the light of God’s Word and Nature why the reformed position is right. Add further knowledge and understanding to your faith, seeking to please Him in walking more closely according to his Will.
In the Reformation and puritan era, the Lutherans (the Biblicists of their day) answered the former; those Churches reformed according to the Word of God: the latter.
This new page documents this in detail. The Intro will walk you through the issues and show you from the light of God’s Word and Nature why the reformed position is right. Add further knowledge and understanding to your faith, seeking to please Him in walking more closely according to his Will.