There's also a disturbing amount of pragmatism among some of the YRR's--if it works it must be right. If they're reaching people, who are we to judge the methods, etc. If you object you are denounced as wanting to go back to the 50's or whatever. It's simply assumed that you are arguing for "tradition" for tradition's sake or out of personal preference. Sometimes you never even get to the point of discussing what the Bible says about ecclesiology.
Chris, this may be the case with
some "Young, Restless, Reformed", but I don't think the "main guys" would all say this. Take, for example, a
great one liner from Daniel Montgomery from the recent Plant! conference. Regarding church planting models, he says, "Just because you survive a plane crash doesn't mean it's a good model to follow." Daniel is one of the major Acts 29 guys, and pastors in Louisville, KT. His point is quiet different than what you're presenting, and there are many - like Sojourn in Acts 29, and Sovereign Grace Ministries - that are much more thoughtful in how they plant churches.