Michael Jackson Not Guilty on All Charges

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WHATS MORE... how do we know he hasn't done this to his own kids? After all, he DID hang that child out the window, for ALL to see! (Just what does he have to do to be punished for his hanous crimes?)

Again, I praise God that HE will handle Jackson and all the other sicko's that hurt the children!
The High Court has charged Mr. Jackson guilty before the foundations of the world. Be of good cheer my brethren, he has not slipped through the cracks but will recieve his judgment. How do I know this? Jesus Christ told me so through Word! Maybe he will repent.
He didn't HANG a child out the window. :lol:

He was standing on his balcony and did a 'Lion King' move with his kid over the edge of the balcony while trying to wave to fans. I do believe it was quite irresponsible, I can see HOW it would've slipped his mind if it was an inanimate object (i.e. - having a sandwhich in your hand and trying to wave to folks with it), but I don't quite see how it slipped his mind in trying to acknowledge his fans that DUH, HEY STUPID, YOU'VE GOT A BABY IN YOUR HANDS.... but hey, everyone makes mistakes.... thankfully, He didn't drop his son.

I do believe the man needs serious counseling though. Even his own statements in the stuff above with Ed Bradley shows this (by his own admission). It's time for Mike to stop altering his body, get rid of Neverland (or give it to someone else) and grow up.
Quote:*** California needs a lot of help. It needs Revival.***

I thought they have the exterminator there.:P
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