Mike The Headless Chicken

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Wow is right....

Makes me wonder about those who have heads on their shoulders and yet do not use them :um:

[Edited on 4-5-2006 by MeanieCalvinist]
That's just amazing!

God gives us some amazing stuff to consider and ponder on throughout our lives!
Job 40:5 5 "Once I have spoken, and I will not answer; Even twice, and I will add no more."
One day when I was 'harvesting' chickens a bizarre thing happened. I would tie their feet to the fence and then with a filet knife I would mercifully end their simple existence. (I'm trying so hard to be sensitive here.)

After I removed the head from this one chicken it thrashed so much that it broke free of the twine that held it to the fence. It fell to the ground, got up and started chasing my wife and daughters. They screamed and ran. The chicken stumbled but recovered quickly and singled out my wife. She ran and screamed until finally the chicken stopped and fell over backward, apparently dead.

My wife stopped and walked cautiously back to the 'roast-in-transition'. When she was almost to it, the neck pulled itself up and the hole in the neck seemed to stare indignantly at her. She screamed louder than before and took off running. The chicken stayed like that for about six more seconds and then flopped down motionless. I swear I thought I heard a cruel chuckle before it did. I nearly died laughing. I had a sign in my barn, "You can always find 'laughter' in 'slaughter'.
Originally posted by LadyFlynt
Your poor wife! I would have had nightmares!

She did! She was absolutely convinced it knew where she was. It zigged when she zigged and zagged when she zagged.
Ya know, if she had just stood up to it and KICKED the thing then there would have been no nightmares.

Truth be told, I would have run also!
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