Missions/Evangelism best books?

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Puritan Board Freshman
Hi! What are some of the best books on missions?

What are some of the best books on evangelism?

Especially those with strong emphasis on God's sovereignty in salvation and God's glory being displayed and the primary objective of both.

Thank you!
Matthew Wilson
Here is an evangelical list [note that some of the books are to acquaint people with missions trends that are happening, rather than necessarily supporting those trends]:


Once a candidate leaves school, one of the tendencies is to lose touch with the missions literature. While in school, we read and are exposed to the best in missions thinking. However, in home service especially, we can be overwhelmed by the different demands on our time. We want to challenge you as a missionary candidate to keep reading. The general bibliography below will help you. Please try to keep reading. Try to keep current.

Beyond books, there are some excellent journals. The most accessible journals are

Evangelical Missionary Quarterly or Pulse
PO Box 794, Wheaton, IL 60189-9908
Mission Frontier
1605 Elizabeth, Pasadena, CA 91104

Other helpful journals are

American Society of Missiology
616 Walnut Ave., Scottdale, PA 15683-1999
International Bulletin of Missionary Research
PO Box 3000, Denville, NJ 07834

Consider subscriptions. A journal like EMO helps you keep in touch by means of book reviews. Consider making a reading commitment and plan to further enhance your preparation.



Understanding Church Growth Donald McGavran
Life and Work of a Missionary J. Herbert Kane
Understanding Christian Missions J. Herbert Kane
A Global View of Christian Missions J. Herbert Kane
Pentecost and Missions H. R. Boer
A History of Christian Missions Stephen Neill
A History of Christianity (2 volumes) K. S. Latourette
A Biblical Theology of Missions G. W. Peters
A Concise History of Christian World Missions J. Herbert Kane
In the Gap D. Bryant
Let the Earth Hear His Voice J. D. Douglas (editor)
The Christian Message in a Non-Christian World H. Kraemer
Church Growth and Christian Missions Donald McGavran
Have We No Right? M. Williamson
The Responsible Church and the Foreign Mission P. Beyerhaus and H. Lefever
The Missionary Nature of the Church Johannes Blauw
So That's What Missions is All About Wade Coggins
Lords of the Earth Don Richardson
Bruchko (For This Cross I'll Kill You) Bruce E. Olson
Survival Kit for Overseas Living L. R. Kohls
Don't Go Overseas Until You've Read This Book N. Gallagher
Transforming Mission D. Bosch
Perspectives on the World Christian Movement: A Reader Ralph Winter/S. Hawthorne (eds.)
From Jerusalem to Irian Jaya Ruth Tucker (Zondervan)
Partners in the Gospel Jim Kraakevik/Dotsy Welliver (BG)
The Lostness of Mankind Louis L. King (CPI)
Scripture and Strategy: The Use of the Bible in Post-
Modern Church and Mission David Hesselgrave
Christian and the Religions: A Biblical Theology of
World Religions Edward Rommen/Harold Netland
Spiritual Power and Missions: Raising the Issues Edward Rommen
Missiology and the Social Sciences: Contributions,
Cautions, and Conclusions Edward Rommen/Garry Corwin
The Holy Spirit and Mission Dynamics Douglas McConnell
Let the Nations Be Glad John Piper
Send Me: Your Journey to the Nations Steve Hoke and Bill Taylor
What is Mission? J. Andrew Kirk
Footprints of God Charles Van Engen
Too Valuable to Lose William Taylor
Operation World Patrick Johnstone
Evangelical Dictionary of World Missions A. Scott Moreau (editor)
Changing the Mind of Missions James F. Engel/William A. Dyrness
What is Mission? Theological Explorations J. Andrew Kirk
Missiology: An Introduction to the Foundations, History,
and Strategies of World Missions John Mark Terry, Ebbie Smith, and Justice Anderson
Introduction to Missiology A. Tippet
A Word in All Seasons Lesslie Newbigin
Managing Transitions William Bridges
African-American Experience in World Mission:
A Call Beyond Community Vaughn J. Walston/Robert J.
Stevens, eds.

Finishing the Task John E. Kyle
Key to the Missionary Problem Andrew Murray
Today's Choices for Tomorrow's Mission David J. Hesselgrave
Companion to the Poor Viv Grigg
Renewal in Theological Education Robert W. Ferris
Planning Strategies for World Evangelization E. Dayton/D. Fraser (reprinted)
Unreached Peoples: Clarifying the Task Harley Schreck/David Barrett, eds.
Culture Shock Myron Loss
Planting Churches Cross-Culturally David J. Hesselgrave
Toward Creative Urban Strategy George A. Torney (editor)
What's Gone Wrong with the Harvest? James F. Engel/H. Wilbur Norton
Discipling the Nations Richard R. DeRidder
Theological Perspectives on Church Growth H. M. Conn (editor)
Missionary Methods: St. Paul's or Ours R. Allen
The Spontaneous Expansion of the Church R. Allen
Frontiers in Missionary Strategy C. P. Wagner
The Extension Movement in Theological Education F. Ross Kinsler
Apostles to the City R. Greenway
The Ministry of the Spirit R. Allen
Church Growth in Perspective H. Conn
Planning Strategies for Evangelism C. P. Wagner
Crucial Dimensions in World Evangelization A. Glasser, et al
Penetrating the Last Frontiers Ralph Winter
Evangelism in the Early Church Michael Green (Eerdman)
The Believers' Guide to Spiritual Warfare Thomas White
Manual for Spiritual Warfare Ed Murphy
Teaching Them Obedience in All Things: Equipping
For the Twenty-first Century Edgar J. Elliston
Walking With the Poor Bryant L. Myers
Working With the Poor Bryant L. Myers
Go Make Disciples Luis Bush/Beverly Pegues
Reaching the Resistant: Barriers and Bridges for Mission J. Dudley Woodberry
Passing the Baton: Church Planting that Empowers Tom A. Steffen
Cross-Cultural Conflict: Building Relationships for
Effective Ministry Duane Elmer


Religion Across Cultures Eugene A. Nida
Lausanne Occasional Papers, No. 2
The Willowbank Report--Gospel and Culture
Culture and Human Values J. A. Loewen
Readings in Missionary Anthropology II W. A. Smalley (editor)
Customs and Cultures Eugene A. Nida
Anthropology: The Cultural Perspective J. P. Spradley/D. N. McCurdy
Cultural Anthropology S. A. Grunlan and M. K. Mayers
Christianity in Culture C. H. Kraft
The Church and Cultures (new editor) L. J. Luzbetak
Gospel and Culture (Down to Earth) J. Stott/R. T. Coote (editors)
Christianity Confronts Culture M. Mayers
Habits of the Heart Robert N. Bellah et al (Harper/Row)
American Cultural Patters: A Cross-Cultural Perspective Edward Stewart
Anthropological Insights for Missionaries Paul Hiebert (Baker)
Understanding Folk Religion Paul Hiebert/R. Daniel Shaw/
T. Tienou
Incarnational Ministry Paul Hiebert and Eloise Hiebert
Menenses (editors)
Anthropological Reflections on Missiological Issues Paul Hiebert
Anthropology for Christian Witness C. H. Kraft


Guidelines for Barefoot Language Learning Donald N. Larson
Beyond Culture E. Hall
Learning a Foreign Language Eugene A. Nida
L.A.M.P. (Language Acquisition Made Practical) E. T. Brewster/E. S. Brewster
Contemporary Christian Communications:
Its Theory and Practice J. F. Engel
Communicating Christ Cross-Culturally David J. Hesselgrave
Message and Mission Eugene A. Nida
How Can I Get Them to Listen J. F. Engel
Becoming Bilingual D. N. Larson/W. A. Smalley
Tips on Taping: Language Recording Dickerson
Communication Theory for Christian Witness C. Kraft
The Mind Changers E. Griffin
How to Communicate the Gospel Effectively J. E. Engel


Parental Preparation of Missionary Children for
Boarding School James Romaine Beck
Planning for MK Nurture Pam Echerd /Alice Arathoon (eds.)
Overcoming Missionary Stress Marjory F. Foyle
Sojourners: The Family on the Move Ruth J. and Samuel F. Rowen
Missionary Health Manual Adolph
Education of Missionaries' Children D. Bruce Lockerbie
Missionary Kid--MK Ed Danielson
The Life and Time of an MK C. J. Buffam
Living Overseas Ted Ward
Helping Missionaries Grow: Readings in Mental Health
and Missions K.S. O'Donnell/M.L. O'Donnell (eds)
Healing the Wounded Soul Arline Westmeier
Pastoral Counseling Across Cultures D. W. Augsburger
Margin: How to Create the Emotional, Physical, Financial,
and Time Reserves You Need Richard A. Swenson, M.D. (NavPr.)
Raising Resilient MKs Joyce Bowers (editor)
Children of the Call: Issues Missionaries’ Kids Face C.J. Gray
Letters Never Sent Ruth Van Reken
The TCK Profile Interaction Video
Transitions Interaction Video


The Jaffray Series Christian Publications, Inc.
Wingspread A. W. Tozer
Let My People Go A. W. Tozer
No Time for Tombstones James and Marti Hefley
God Can Einar Mickelson
One Shall Chase a Thousand Mabel Francis
There are many more to be recommended.


1. The United States government produces handbooks on most countries covered by the Area Handbook which can be obtained by writing: Superintendent of Documents, Washington, DC 20402. You can also find valuable country information at the CIA World Factbook (www.cia.gov/cia/publications/factbook/index.html).

2. The Church Growth Book Club publishes studies on many third-world countries. These research materials are comprehensive and valuable.

3. The research libraries of Alliance Theological Seminary and Canadian Theological Seminary contain area studies done by former students. These graduate level materials cover the countries in which the C&MA works. Below is a concentrated and extensive amount of information related to C&MA missionary endeavors.


All for Jesus Robert Niklaus et al.
To All Peoples Robert Niklaus


Zaire: Mid-day in Missions Donald McGavran
African Theological Enroute K. Appiah-Kubi/S. Torres (eds.)
Church and Mission in Modern Africa A. Hastings
African Widows M. S. Kirwen
Guinea C. Riviere
Post-Christianity in Africa G. C. Oosthuizen
Schism and Renewal in Africa D. M. Barrett
A History of African Christianity A. Hastings
An Urban Strategy for Africa T. Monsma
Profile for Victory M. W. Randall
Sharing Your Faith with a Muslim Hagg
The Africans D. Lamb
Theological Battle Around in Asia/Africa G. C. Oosthuizen
Growth of the Church in Africa P. Falk
The African Condition Ali Mazrui


Cannibal Valley R. T. Hitt
Indonesia: Church and Society F. L. Cooley
The Kalimantan Kenyah: A Study of Tribal Conversion W. C. Conley
Bali Profile W. A. Hanna
The Religion of Java C. Geertz
Indonesian Revival: Why Two Million Came to Christ A. T. Willis
From Mission Field to Independent Church H. Kraemer
History of Indonesia in the Twentieth Century B. Bahm
Like a Mighty Wind M. Tari
Peace Child Don Richardson
God's Miracles: Indonesian Church Growth E. C. Smith


A History of Christianity in Japan R. H. Drummond
The Story of the Christian Church in India and Pakistan Stephen Neill
The Church in Asia D. Hoke (editor)
The Philippines R. Nelson
Asian Voices in Christian Theology G. H. Anderson (editor)
Asian Christian Thinking C. Hargreaves
India and the Latin Captivity of the Church R. H. S. Boyd
Indian Voices in Today's Theological Debate H. Burkle/W.M.S. Roth (eds.)
Thailand E. J. Moore
World Christianity: Eastern Asia D. C. E. Liao (editor)
The Philippine Church: Growth in a Changing Society A. Tuggy
Water Buffalo Theology K. Koyama
Siamese Gold Alex Smith


Christian Mission to Muslims L. L. Vander Werff
The Gospel and Islam D. M. McCurry (editor)
World Christianity: Middle East D. M. McCurry (editor)
Welcome into the Middle East G. Jennings
Muslims and Christians on the Emmaus Road Dudley Woodberry
New Paths in Muslim Evangelism P. Parshall
Sharing Your Faith with a Muslim A. A. Abdul-Hagg
Bridges to Islam P. Parshall


Latin American Church Growth Read, Monterroso, Johnson
An Urban Strategy for Latin America R. Greenway
Evangelicals and Liberation C. E. Armerding (editor)
Crossroads Theology: Latin America Orlando Costas
Frontiers of Theology in Latin America R. Gibellini (editor)
Understanding Latin Americans Eugene A. Nida
Area Handbook for Peru T. E. Weil, et al
Mexico: Distant Neighbors Alan Riding
Liberation Theology Andrew Kirk
Crisis in Latin America E. Núñez and W. Taylor
Is Latin America Turning Protestant? D. Stoll


Ten New Churches Roger Forster (MARC)
France--Forgotten Mission Field Frank Orna-Ornstein
Basic Communication Needs Among French Pastors and
Development of a Responsive Communications Ministry Jean-Marc Lepillez
Culture Shock! France Sally A. Taylor
A Traveler’s History of Paris Robert Cole
A Traveler’s History of France Robert Cole
On the Brink: The Trouble with France J. Fenby
French or Foe P. Platt
The Spaniards, A Portrait of the New Spain John Hooper
Spain Jan Morris
The Story of Spain Mark Williams
Iberia James A. Michener
Protestants in Modern Spain Dale Vought
The Other Spanish Christ

Here is a further list by David Mays:

Ten Best Missions Books

OK. Fourteen!

 Bruchko, Bruce Olson
 Peace Child, Don Richardson

 Building Global Vision, David Mays
 Get Your Church Involved in Missions, Michael Griffiths
 Missions in the 21st Century, Tom Telford
 Catch the Vision 2000, Bill and Amy Stearns
 The Church is Bigger than You Think, Patrick Johnstone
 The Great Omission, Robertson McQuilkin, Jr.
 How to be a World Class Christian, Paul Borthwick
 Jerusalem to Irian Jaya, Ruth Tucker
 Key to the Missionary Problem, Andrew Murray
 Let the Nations Be Glad, John Piper
 Operation World, Patrick Johnstone
 Stand in the Gap, David Bryant

New Missions Books

 When the Saints Go Marching Out, Art Beals, Geneva Press
 Today’s All-Star Missions Churches, Tom Telford, Baker

 Building Strategic Relationships, Daniel Rickett, Partners International
 Changing the Mind of Missions, James Engel, InterVarsity Press
 Evangelical Dictionary of World Missions, Scott Moreau, ed., Baker
 For Such a Time As This, Howard L. Foltz, William Carey Library
 Mack & Leeann’s Guide to Short-Term Missions, J. Mack & Leeann Stiles, InterVarsity Press
 Mission in the Old Testament, Israel as a Light to the Nations, Walter C. Kaiser Jr., William Carey Library
 Missions, God’s Heart For The World, 9 studies for individuals or groups, Paul Borthwick, InterVarsity Press
 Missions in the Third Millennium, 21 key trends for the 21st century, Stan Guthrie, Paternoster
 Prepare Your Heart, Short-Term Mission Preparation Guide, Cindy Judge, Campfire Resources, Wheaton, IL
 Stuff you need to know about DOING MISSIONS IN YOUR CHURCH, David Mays, available on diskette.
 The ReEntry Team, Neal Pirolo, Emmaus Road International

 All About Faith Promise Offerings, Robert Mundy
 Business as Usual in the Missions Enterprise, Tom Steffen,
Center for Organizational and Professional Development, La Habra, CA
 Discover Our Place in His Plans, Bruce Camp, NextStep Resources
 Essential Guide to Short Term Missions, David Forward, Moody
 Final Analysis, Jim Reapsome, EMIS
 Funding Your Ministry, by Scott Morton, NavPress
 Getting Sent, Pete Sommer, InterVarsity Press
 How to Operate an Effective Missions Leadership Team in Your Church, David Mays, ACMC
 Magnify Your Vision for the Small Church, John Rowell, Northside Community Church
 Mustard Seed vs. McWorld, Baker, Tom Sine
 Send Me, Steve Hoke, William Carey Library
 The Move of the Holy Spirit in the 10/40 Window, Luis Bush, YWAM

 Choosing a Future, Paul McKaughan, MARC
 Missions in the 21st Century, Tom Telford, Harold Shaw
 Short Term Mission Adventure, Scott Kirby, Printing Image, Knoxville, TN
 The Church is Bigger than You Think, Patrick Johnstone, WEC

Missions Books People Love to Read

 Adventure in Africa, Charles Partee
 Bruchko, Bruce Olson
 Called to Die, Steve Estes
 Catch the Vision 2000, Bill and Amy Stearns
 Colombian Jungle Escape, Ed and Doreen Dulka
 Don’t Let the Goats Eat the Loquat Trees, Thomas Hale
 Gladys Alward – The Little Woman, Gladys Alward
 In Search of the Source, Neil Anderson
 It’s a Jungle Out There, Ron Snell
 Living Sacrifice, Helen Roseveare
 Living Stones of the Himalayas, Thomas Hale
 Missions in the Twenty-First Century, Tom Telford
 More to be Desired than Gold, J. Christy Wilson,
 Never Touch a Tiger, Stephen Hugh
 On Call, David Thompson
 On the Far Side of Liglig Mountain, Thomas Hale
 One Bright Shining Path, W. Terry Whalin
 Peace Child, Don Richardson
 Spirits of the Rain Forest, Mark Ritchie
 The Spring Wind, Gladis DePree
 Under the Far Bamboo, Martin St. Kilda

Missions Books to Stretch People
 Eternity in Their Hearts, Don Richardson
 Run with the Vision, Bob Sjogren and Bill and Amy Stearns
 Stand in the Gap, David Bryant

Best and Most Influential Missions Books (Partial List)

Theology and the Church
 An Enquiry into the Obligation of Christians to Use Means for the Conversion of the Heathens, William Carey
 Key to the Missionary Problem, Andrew Murray, (1910)
 Missions in the Plan of the Ages, W. O. Carver (40s)
 All Nations in God's Purpose, H. Cornell Goerner (40s)
 The Missionary Nature of the Church, Johannes Blauw (50s)
 A Biblical Theology of Missions, George W. Peters. Moody, 1972.
 Let the Nations be Glad, John Piper (90s)

Missionary Stories
 Bruchko, Bruce Olson
 Peace Child and Eternity in Their Hearts, Don Richardson
 Through Gates of Splendor, Elizabeth Elliott

Missions History
 The Progress of World-Wide Missions, J. Herbert Kane. Harper & Row, 1960.
 A Survey of World Missions, by John Caldwell Thiessen, Moody, 1961.
 A History of Christian Missions, Stephen Neill, Penguin Paperback, 1964
 A Global View of Christian Missions, by J. Herbert Kane, Baker, 1971.
 Jerusalem to Irian Jaya, Ruth Tucker

Personal Growth and Involvement
 The Pastor and Modern Missions, John R. Mott, 1904
 If, Amy Carmichael
 Stand In the Gap, David Bryant
 A Mind for Missions, Paul Borthwick
 Get Your Church Involved in Missions, Michael Griffiths

 Operation World, Patrick Johnstone

 Christian Mission in the Modern World, John Stott
 The World Christian Encyclopedia, David Barrett
 The Church is Bigger than You Think, Patrick Johnstone

Being a Missionary
 On Being a Missionary, Thomas Hale
 Hudson Taylor’s Spiritual Secret, Dr. and Mrs. Howard Taylor

Missions Strategy
 Missionary Methods, Roland Allen, 1st ed. 1912, 1st American edition 1956

Here is a list from a seminary:


General Works

Scott Moreau, ed., The Evangelical Dictionary of World Missions (Baker)
John Mark Terry, ed., Missiology: An Introduction (Broadman)
Ralph D. Winter, ed., Perspectives on the World Christian Movement, 3rd Edition (William Carey Library).

Biblical and Theological Basis for Missions

Roger E. Hedlund, The Mission of the Church in the World (Baker)
J. Herbert Kane, Christian Missions in Biblical Perspective (Baker)
George W. Peters, A Biblical Theology of Missions (Moody)

History of Missions

Michael Green, Evangelism in the Early Church (Eerdmans)
J. Herbert Kane, A Concise History of the Christian World Mission (Baker)
Stephen Neill, A History of Christian Missions (Penguin)
Ruth A. Tucker, From Jerusalem to Irian Jaya (Zondervan)

Applied Missiology

Roland Allen, Missionary Methods (Eerdmans)
Edward R. Dayton, Planning Strategies for World Evangelization (Eerdmans)
David J. Hesselgrave, Contextualization (Baker)
Paul G. Hiebert, Anthropological Reflections on Missiological Issues (Baker)
Donald McGavran, Understanding Church Growth (Eerdmans)
C. Peter Wagner, Strategies for Church Growth (Regal)
For evangelism, I would recommend Tell the Truth by Will Metzger and Evangelism and the Sovereignty of God by J.I. Packer.
Another list by David Mays:

Best Missions Books for Pastors

Last decade
 Get Your Church Involved in Missions, Michael Griffiths
 Let the Nations Be Glad, John Piper
 The Church is Bigger than You Think, Patrick Johnstone
 Magnify Your Vision for the Small Church, John Rowell
 Six Dangerous Questions, Paul Borthwick
 Mission in the Old Testament, Walter Kaiser

50’s to 90’s
 The Local Church and Mission, Theodore Williams
 Isaiah and the Great Commission, Ian Hay
 The Mission of God, Georg Vicedom
 Discipling the Nations, Richard DeRidder
 The Mission of the Church in the World, Roger Hedlund
 A Vision for the Nations, Tom Wells

Before 1950
 The Key to the Missionary Problem, Andrew Murray
 The Pastor and Modern Missions, John R. Mott
 Hudson Taylor’s Spiritual Secret, Dr. and Mrs. Howard Taylor
 The Missionary Nature of the Church, Johannes Blauw
 The Bible Basis of Missions, Robert Hall Glover
 All Nations in God’s Purpose, H. Cornell Goerner
 Missions in the Plan of the Ages, William Owen Carver

Top Dozen Missions Resources for You and Your Church


 ACMC – individual membership, conferences, and networking with regional staff
 Brigada, weekly email distribution of information related to missions
 The Church is Bigger than You Think, Patrick Johnstone, WEC, 1998
 How to Be a World Class Christian, Paul Borthwick, Operation Mobilization
 Let the Nations Be Glad, John Piper, Baker
 Missions Frontiers, periodic magazine from the U. S. Center for World Mission
 The New Context of World Mission, Bryant Myers, MARC, World Vision
 Operation World, Patrick Johnstone, ed., Zondervan
 Perspectives on the World Christian Movement, one-semester college course on missions: biblical basis, history, strategies, and culture. U. S. Center for World Mission
 Stand In the Gap, David Bryant, Regal Books, 1997
 Three Generations, Gary L. McIntosh, Fleming H Revell
 World Pulse, bi-weekly world newsletter, Evangelical Missions Information Service,
Box 794, Wheaton, IL 60187


 ACMC – church membership, conferences, networking with other churches, and consultations with regional staff
 Church Missions Policy Handbook, ACMC
 Cultivating a Missions Active Church, ACMC
 Destination AD2000 video curriculum, Bob Sjogren, Frontiers, Mesa, AZ
 Global Access Planner, Bruce Camp, ACMC
 How Missions Minded is Your Church? a self-evaluation profile, ACMC
 How to Operate an Effective Missions Leadership Team in Your Church, David Mays, ACMC, 1999
 A Mind for Missions, Paul Borthwick,
 Missions in the 21st Century, Tom Telford, Shaw Publishers, 1998
 Operation World, Patrick Johnstone, ed., Zondervan
 Serving as Senders, Neal Pirolo
 Witnesses to All the World, Jim and Carol Plueddemann, Shaw Publishers

And this website has lists of books:

Missions - a Sovereign Grace Perspective: Three books for fitting in cross-culturally

Missions - a Sovereign Grace Perspective: Three more books for people considering missionary service

Missions - a Sovereign Grace Perspective: Five more essential books for missionary research

Missions - a Sovereign Grace Perspective: Books for people considering missions service
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