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Puritan Board Graduate
From AFA


Wal-Mart Contributes 5% Of Online Sales To Homosexual Group

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In a show of support to help homosexuals legalize same-sex marriage, Wal-Mart has agreed to automatically donate 5% of online sales directly to the Washington DC Community Center for Gay, Lesbian Bisexual and Transgender People. The cash donation will come from online purchases made at Wal-Mart through the homosexual group's Web site. This move follows Wal-Mart's joining the National Gay and Lesbian Chamber of Commerce and agreeing to give generous financial help to that organization also.

Every purchase made online for books, music, videos, clothing and accessories, children's clothing and toys, and electronics at the site will automatically send 5% of the sales to the CCBLBT People. The agreement is an indication that Wal-Mart is totally committed to supporting the homosexual movement.

Wal-Mart also gave a generous cash donation to the Northwest Arkansas Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender Community Center, helping to provide a place where homosexuals can come together to "socialize."

Many observers feel it would have been a wise business decision for Wal-Mart to remain neutral in the cultural battle over homosexual marriage. But this was an ideological decision by Wal-Mart - not a business decision.
I'm not at all a fan of Wal-Mart, but this article seems misleading. Is this not describing the common fund-raising method employed by many blogs and other sites where a link is provided to or another store, and purchases made after following the link benefit the referring site?
I'm not at all a fan of Wal-Mart, but this article seems misleading. Is this not describing the common fund-raising method employed by many blogs and other sites where a link is provided to or another store, and purchases made after following the link benefit the referring site?

I have to agree that this looks to be quite misleading. The headline makes it look appear that "all" online sales produce 5% for gay etc organizations. This is not really a big deal.
These are known as Affiliate Programs. So I guess that, technically, Walmart has pledged to give 5% of its sales to anybody who purchases through my links and is supporting White, Male, Presbyterian Marines!

I really don't like news stories like these that turn an innocuous situation into a "they're supporting the gays" bogey man. It weakens rational arguments and plays loose with the facts as if it's OK to misrepresent so long as you're arguing against the right groups. I'm not criticizing you Scott but the story itself.
Details at SNOPES and drawing the "line"

As many of you may know, more detailed information about many of the E-mail broadcast warnings can be found at Hoax/or/true sites like:

But more to the point of Christian participation/support of businesses donating their profits to questionable causes: more-and-more we are faced with the question of where to draw the line as we consider how to be in the world while not of the world, especially not participating/supporting, directly or indirectly, activities or causes that run counter to Biblical teaching. Here are two points to consider:

1) Does not the scripture (1 Corinthians 5:9-10) also remind us that while we are not to "company with fornicators (verse 9)" "Yet not altogether with the fornicators of this world, or with the covetous, or extortioners, or with idolaters; for then must ye needs go out of the world (verse 10)?

If WalMart ownership were to represent itself and it's organization as devoted to Christ, there would be need for questions and action, but if they don't, we might assume they are of the world, and so in that category of partial exception expressed by Paul. If WalMart is of the world, then is it Ok for us to "not altogether" refuse to company with/support/participate with by adding to their profits/etc.? It would seem so. Unless of course our Godly conscience dictates otherwise.

Do you grocery shop at Albertson's grocery store? Then you help support the Mormons. Do you buy gasoline purchased from the middle-east? You get my drift? Where do you draw the line?

2) Revelations 13:17 previews days wherein those who will not bow down to the image of the Beast and/or accept the "mark of the Beast" will not be able to buy or sell at all. During those days, we will most assuredly draw the line, or not. We will either accept the mark of the beast so we can buy and sell and eat and live in comfort, or not. We will choose to support a Godless, anti-Christ way, or not.

But for today, where do each of us personally draw the line?
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