My Journey Through Faith

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Puritan Board Freshman
This is a rough draft of my testimony, please read through the errors if there are any.
I can't remember the exact date for when I was saved I just know it was before I was eight. At eight I was baptized not in pedo-baptist fashion but in credo baptist. But I'm speeding up to quickly. I remember that I was at a county fair and off to the corner there was a trailer. I went and found a man with a stereo system and a bible. After talking to him I went in. The sound system played a kind of good news message which I had heard before, but this time I was paying attention. After the tape was done he asked if I wanted to be saved, I said yes and I prayed for Christ to come into me.

After that day, I started paying attention at Sunday school. After a couple of weeks, everyone was asked what they wanted to be when they grew up.


When it was my turn I said "Pastor". I don't why I wanted to then and I can't understand why I said it, but I did. Here I was, between ages 5-8, a child who every now and then did not bring his bible but brought either a limerick book or some other book, and I wanted to be a pastor. After awhile I began to see the glamour of the other listed jobs, so I would say I wanted to be a "Pastor-Fireman" or "Pastor-Policeman" or "Pastor-Pro Wrestler". After that I dropped the job pastor but not the rest and that's how I lived until High School. Slowly turning away from the words I said at a young age.

Freshman year, I went off the deep end. I don't want to go into details but I would compare almost to "white-washed tomb". I went to church, read the Bible a little bit, but still did ungodly things.

I believe it was at the end of my Sophomore year when I was at a Christian camp and read this verse:

Matthew 16:24
English Standard Version (ESV)
Then Jesus told his disciples, “If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me.

Something clicked in my head, I left my Christian post. I left my cross at home and brought with me my bad habits. I was saying that I was at the front lines, holding up the cross, but that was a lie. With the conviction, I came to the front during the benediction at the next sermon and while praying with a pastor I no longer know, rededicated myself to Christ.
A year later I got the call to be a Pastor again. I probably had it all that year, but I wanted to make sure I truly was being called. Between 2010-2011 I studied the bible, past scholars, and apologetics. God truly used me for his work these past years. I witnessed, gave lessons, and overall did more for the faith then all the past years combined.
At the present I am in:
Merced College – A.A Philosophy,History
Central Valley Institute of Christian Studies – Diploma in Vocational Ministry
Seminary Extension – Diploma in Biblical Studies and after that Pastoral Ministry and Theology Foundation
I hope to be accepted into:
Ekklesia Seminary
The North America Reformed Seminary
I’m still praying over the last two.
I have a thirst for the Bible that cannot be quenched. I have spent many a nights reading the Bible till midnight. A may be fuzzy about the dates, names, and location of when I was saved but I can say this. I did get saved, publicly professed my faith, and am willing to commit my life to take care of the shepherds flock.
God Bless
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