Lord willing, I will be attending tomorrow and Wed as one of the ARP representatives. It will be a nice 4 hour or so drive from Louisville to Dyer, IN.
I am hoping to have my calendar clear up to allow me to attend the first session tomorrow. Perhaps I will have an opportunity to meet you, Pastor Phillips..
Were you there, Mark? I regret not being able to meet you.
Joseph, I was able to meet your pastor (actually both reps of the ERQ) and was impressed by them. Very godly men. I did not get you message on this thread until today (Thursday) however.
Does the NAPARC have any plans in the future for launching or facilitating more unified efforts missions in North America between the various reformed denominations?
Does the NAPARC have any plans for the future to some how facilitate more joint efforts (either in education, missions or church planting) between its member denominations? I am just generally ignorant of what the purpose of the NAPARC is.
Tim says it's martially posted on the naparc website. He's headed to French Camp, MS, as I type to lead a youth retreat for our presbytery. He said to tell you that the one major item of business was approving the entry of the Korean PCA.