I'm about to wrap up six weeks hard work for Reformatoin Heritage Books on their Works of Samuel Rutherford project and am ready to get to work on this fourth year of Naphtali Press Special Editions, which operates off of sponsorship drives. If you have not renewed sponsorship for 2022-23, sponsored in the past but skipped a year (or two or three!), or would like to become one for the first time for this difficult year ahead, this fourth in the offering for the series would be a good year to do so! If fully funded the plan is to tackle a new edition of James Durham’s lectures on Song of Solomon, the 3rd and final volume of Shorter Works of George Gillespie, AND we have a firm date to have in hand the translation from Latin of Gisbertus Voetius on the Sabbath and Feast Days, that was funded in series year two (so we have to do that one!). The funding stands as you can see in the graphic and we have a ways to go for hitting the full mark, but we have plenty of time to make the target (publication of the first work likely won’t be until Summer at least). Depending on level of sponsorship, sponsors receive a copy of all publications for 2023, are recognized in the front sponsor section in each volume (like the old subscription publishing of the 19th century), receive the custom bookplate for the year for each volume, and any perks depending on level of sponsorship. Sponsorship funds the work to create the texts and I prepare them through the layout stage and RHB produces and sells the books. Thank you to those who have renewed already or have pitched in as well on the separate drive to cover additional translation work to add a translation as an appendix to the Voetius project, of his De Tempore Nativitatis Christi. If you are not familiar with NPSE and seeing this for the first time, and the quick overview is not enough info, see the quick pay link below which gives a quick overview of the workings and purpose of NPSE and past publications since launching in 2019.
Sponsor NPSE at various levels NPSE store: https://www.naphtali.com/store/
Or use quick pay links bypassing the store (uses Paypal): https://tinyurl.com/2njtmfjc
Voetius drive to cover cost of the appendix of his two papers on the Time of Christ’s Nativity: https://donorbox.org/npse-3